Ban Apology (Dank (admin team))

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Dank (admin team)
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Jack Bruhross
Your Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824

Why were you punished?: Cheating / Exploiting

Why should this appeal be considered?: It's been a while, over a year since I was banned for using altered game animations that removed the visual recoil when spraying guns, such as assault rifles and SMGs. Over this time I have had a lot of time to think about my actions and how they negatively affected others on the server.
By using this, I gave myself a massive advantage over other players, which resulting in unfair advantage. I do regret the negative impact my dumb actions had on the server and on other players roleplay and gaming experiences. My competitive nature got the best of me, and I completely failed to consider how my behaviour affected others and for this, I am truly sorry.

I would mostly like to apologise to Dank for the time he had to spend investigating this situation, I feel like when I was confronted I was immediatly forthcoming and was as honest as possible. I helped Dank find out how I got the files, and many other important details regarding this form of cheating.

I know that I was usually regarded to in a negative manner in the server due to my past, However,
I would also like to highlight the positive contributions I made to the community during my time here.
In late 2022 I got promoted to Helper, which I put an incredible amount of time and effort into, consistently being very high on the ticket count and regularly involving myself in discussions about rules, misbehaving players and other things regarding the behind the scenes of PERP . I took pride in being one of the most active helpers, dedicating significant time to assisting new players and ensuring they had a positive experience on the server and taught them how to play the game and informing them of the rules. I was actively involved in identifying and reporting bugs, testing new features and updates with both TinySlayer and Dank as well as test and suggest missions with Fredy for the Mission update. I also had an active forum presence, and assisting with various improvements such as assisting with the making of the Construction guide, Mugging map and the Drug guide. And this is something I'd like to continue doing.

My issues mainly occurred during combat and with my organisation A S D A, which didn't have that good of a reputation due to toxicity and 'crim main-mentality'.
But upon my return, I am committed to ensuring that the improved version of myself will be present. I will strictly follow all rules, play fairly, and continue to assist as many players, both new and experienced, as possible. This community has been a part of my life since 2019, and I've met many people whom I still spend time with daily. I've discussed this appeal and my wish to return with several staff members, listened to their opinions and concerns, and have taken them to heart. I will do whatever I can to prove that I have changed and can contribute positively to the server.

I really do apologise for feeling the need to use scripts that gave me an advantage, it was a stupid move and I massively regret it. I wish to return into the community like others have despite being banned before, and I feel like I have waited an ample amount of time and am ready to return and contribute positively if you allow it.

Thanks for reading,

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