Ban apology (Don’t know sorry)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Don’t know sorry
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: OlokV871
Your Roleplay Name: Chen wong
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:196306198

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: I wasn’t told completely but I was told that the car I previously towed wasn’t allowed to be towed and that I’d get a month ban for it

Why should this appeal be considered?: The car was parked outside of a designated spot and was blocking in another player. Because of this I towed the car about 3 car lengths from where it was. Could I please at least be told what I did wrong and I’m more than happy to co operate. I honestly have no clue, sorry.

Additional Information: **UPDATE** ive been informed by Kommandant A1L on whats gone wrong and hes been very helpful. i apologise to towing the car while it was blocking someone off and will now only tow when theyre blocking off a main road or if i have police permission. this was my first time playing roadcrew and i wrongly assumed that becasue someone was blocked in that i should move it a couple feet to allow teh person out asap.
You were banned by @Pugga, here is your full ban reason: 3.4, 4.1 - User was a roadcrew and was impounding cars for no reason, along with this he did not have police permission. Whilst doing this he was gunpointed and failed to comply with completely
i believe its clear i didnt see the gun. once in the car i was able to look around a little but by that point they didnt ahve a gun
You broke gunpoint again 10 minutes later and even started laughing and taunting me, once you realized you cannot be shot through the RC car window with a pistol calibre. You also have like over 10 entries for breaking gunpoint on your profile.

Also you claimed you only "towed the car about 3 car lengths from where it was" to clear the way, before the evidence video was posted, which clearly shows you impounding a car out of the RC repair garage, to troll the owner.
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