Ban Apology (Draxenシ)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Draxenシ
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: ???
Your Roleplay Name: Tyler Allan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:607206066

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: i wanted to close the gate and he was asking wtf im trying to do and i said nothing and while he was driving away i said bitch and he stopped and probaly wanted to punch me or something and then i stole his van and started destroying it with driving against the wall and i didnt even ran him over on purpouse he just jumped infront of my car multiple times and i hit him once. after 15mins or so i left and now im banned

Why should this appeal be considered?: i think the ban is already a week ago and i had alot of time to rethink my actions and now i know that i shouldnt have done that and i will now follow the rules . i actually tried to destory this guys car because we had beef with eachother so i can show him that he shouldnt mess with me and while destorying his car while driving into the walls multiple times he ran infront of the car and thats when i ran him over i wasnt trying to hurt this guy i just wanted to give him a lesson.But unfortunately I only now realized that it was the wrong way and that there was no roleplay. I'm very sorry for my actions and hope that the ban will be shortened or unbanned

Additional Information: im really sorry
and i left because my mom was mad at me for screaming and told me to turn off the game

i didnt even ran him over on purpouse he just jumped infront of my car

No, he was standing completely still and you went straight for him. Own up for it instead of making excuses.
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