Ban Apology (ellie)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: Qawferz
Your Roleplay Name: nicholas mobbers
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:573809308

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4,3.6

Why should this appeal be considered?: i am sorry for this rulebreak i did yesterday, i have been trying to improve on the 3.4 the best i can although i always seem to get caught up in it one way or another, yesterday was a huge mess up, i had just got off a 1 month ban and i DID NOT want to be banned again, especially for longer, i was caught off guard , i was on me way to the casino when police began the raid, all i had on me was flashbangs and couldnt go and get a gun from inside the property as i belived they were there and didnt want to risk my life, so i used the only weapon i had one me which was flashbangs, i was comming to the people i was basing with and whot he police were after that thee about to breahc and that i could flash them, but it turns out a flash bang isnt a weapon, So i am sorry for this fuck up and it will not happen again , there are no other decent game to play, and this whole situation wasnt intentinal on any means, I have been trying to keep clear from all rules, by asking questions in F6s but yeh, sorry for this whole situation,
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disputes get u no where

this is an appolgy and its staying as an appolgy let me edit a few things
i was on me way to the casino when police began the raid, all i had on me was flashbangs and couldnt go and get a gun from inside the property as i belived they were there and didnt want to risk my life, so i used the only weapon i had one me which was flashbangs
That is not entirely true, you took out 2 stun grenades after 4 of your friend had all died and they were clearing the site. You had access to Bazaar shop 8 where you used the chest instead of Bazaar shop 9 where they all died. During this time, you were also gun pointed to leave the area which you failed to do repeatedly. But what I will do is to edit out 3.6 because I did stop you before you did kill yourself.
That is not entirely true, you took out 2 stun grenades after 4 of your friend had all died and they were clearing the site. You had access to Bazaar shop 8 where you used the chest instead of Bazaar shop 9 where they all died. During this time, you were also gun pointed to leave the area which you failed to do repeatedly.
when was i gun pointed? to leave i dont remmeber this, Also i thought flashbangs would be effective, due to my feiend with a gun and me flashing for him to then shoot and kill, i actually said exactly that and he said yhyh sure, before i was then notified to leave due to 3.4

If you feel confused of how you broke 3.4 in this situation you can go into your demo and see how not to act in a shoot out. Hopefully you're able to understand and follow the rule when you come back and actually value your life.
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