Ban Apology (ellie)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Ahmed johson
Your Roleplay Name: Ahmed johson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:461276888

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.2, 3.4 - User used homophobic slurs to an officer when getting arrested for failing to comply under gunpoint. Failed to comply in another situation where he used his phone under gunpoint. Longer ban due to horrible record of 1.2. i did do 1.2 one time but the second was a misunderstand bcs i didnt know which keys it was but then after found it out it was c and surrender and i didnt call anybody any homophobic words or racials slurs or racist words

Why should this appeal be considered?: U should unban me bcs i am sorry for what i did i will never do it again. i play so much on the that i play like 10 hrs straight on the server without even standing afk. i like playing the server alot and there is not any others server like that server i really enjoy playing it with my friend we so much on your server bcs you guys got many nice scripts that i have not tried before in my life we play it so much often its probaly the only game we enjoy playing together bcs you can do so many nice things and the server is never boring bcs you can do whatever you want to with drugs and all that and the genetics we just love to grind the server together. i am REALLY sorry for what i did admins just plz give another chance and i only play garry mod on your guys server.

Additional Information: I am really Sorry for my actions i will never do it again thx for reading <3
Reaction score

Your second apology was denied 1h prior to this one. Wait the ban out.
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