Ban Apology (ellie)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: ch0pper
Your Roleplay Name: John Bruce
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:673396142

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.6, 3.20 - User disconnected 1 min after killing someone when he heard the medic got his DNA.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I have been playing this server for 15 days now and I got banned because I have bad internet. I was in the hospital and I heard a guy getting mugged in the back room of the hospital, I decided since I had a gun, I would go try and save the guy getting mugged, so as I opened the door and went inside, the mugger was armed and pointed his gun at me, so what I decided to do was shoot him with my mp9. Shortly after that, I gave the victim that was being mugged the revolver because he was a new player and was tricked easily into going into that backroom. Once I got out of there from the hospital front door I saw a cop with a gun armed so I surrendered. I didn't get a chance to explain what happened because he ran off thinking the victim of the mug was the mugger, and after that I went back inside the hospital and saw medics getting DNA and heard my name as the killer, I was gonna explain what happened but as always, I timed out. Ellie, I understand that you thought I intentionally left and I have no evidence that I did actually timeout. I hope you or another admin of the server can appeal my ban. If not, its perfectly fine.

Additional Information: 2 days and approximately 20 hours of playtime.
Your story does not add up with the logs or the report that was made against you;
Can you explain a little further please?
You claim you disconnected from bad internet, the logs instead show you disconnect by user meaning you chose to leave, not by timing out - if I'm also not mistaken, your demo may also show whether you were timing out or not but the log is not adding up to your story.
Even if I did disconnect by choice, why would I dc when I know I was the one that was rightful in that situation? "the log not adding up to the story" Is not true at all, I clearly spoke to the officer but he ran away thinking the victim of the mug was the mugger, but I can tell where this appeal is going. If you will put the effort in to keep replying but will still deny my appeal, its pointless.

"I gave the victim that was being mugged the revolver because he was a new player and was tricked easily into going into that backroom. Once I got out of there from the hospital front door I saw a cop with a gun armed so I surrendered"
We also have logs for dropping/picking up items and surrender. You did neither of this so I don't understand why you keep lying in your appeal. You would have a better chance just to admit you messed up and say sorry. Wait out your ban.

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