Ban Apology (Ellie)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: SirColonelLongnuts
Your Roleplay Name: Eric Harvey
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:73706392

Why were you punished?: Racism

Why should this appeal be considered?: Let me start with saying that I have played within this community off-and-on for 7+ years now, within that time I have accumulated 4 warnings and no bans. I recently had started playing again in an attempt to distract myself from the stress of my outside life. A few weeks ago I was permanently banned for blatantly violating the server's rules regarding racism and discrimination. With that being said, I absolutely take full responsibility for my words and actions and accept this punishment as it is. No member of this community should have been subjected to witness me spouting moral depravity... I will share with everyone that I am currently going through a personal loss in my life which has taken immeasurable grief upon me, to cope with this loss I have struggled immensely with drug abuse and I am currently attempting to detox. I didn't mention this to earn sympathy, but to provide some semblance of what had influenced my erratic and toxic behavior. All-in-all I have no excuses, I do have an intention too RP and I believe I still have a lot I could possibly contribute to the community. Seeing clips of myself acting like a jackass has made me extremely ashamed of where I am at mentally, because of this I will be making extra steps at seeing my recovery... Thank you for the opportunity to post this apology.

Additional Information: I would like to apologize to Ellie who had to ban me, I'm extremely sorry you had to endure that... You are nothing but kind to every player and certainly don't deserve to deal with something so asinine.

I would also like to apologize to every member of this community for my remarks. I am truly deeply sorry if I have offended you.
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