Ban Apology (Ezza)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ezza
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Jamed Charled
Your Roleplay Name: James Charagoli
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:773592908

Why were you punished?: 1.1,3.4, 3.24 3.24

Why should this appeal be considered?: Right so first of all I got my first thing for apparently stalling and backtalking when not risking life first of all I got people and a stream from a server I was in to prove I was putting a water bottle down so how am I meant to put my hands up when i only have 1 hand to do the c+mouse with? secondly I didn't even know that backtalking is considered risk of life because I have asked a admin before and they closed my reports when I said what is then the punishment I have prove to show they just closed reports.

Next I got banned for saying fuck you to the admin I say this because for some reason bro you wanna ban players who are clearly new I have a 2d playtime on the server clearly I will make mistakes and things like that but they aren't directly harming anyone another admin has even agreed with me before that is kinda silly you give such harsh punishments to new players who are clearly new to the server for example I use to play darkrp some rules are similar but most are different and as I play that alot I get confused with rules from here my fault but also not.

Now I say fuck you to admin because it seems they all have a attitude and I am not joking when I have tried asking some of them questions they act as if I just offended them once again I have screenshots of it me sayign fuck you aint me tryna directly put it to that admin even tho thats what it looks like so I think the 3.4 is stupid because I backtalked and put a water bottle back on my desk because I was drinking and then saying fuck you to a admin is also stupid like I get you guys wanna be a serious rp but like these are stupid punishments to newer people if i said "Your staff team is so shit" then sure ban me for staff disrespect but saying "Fuck you" come on now people saying that to each other all the time I have heard it I get you wanna be different maybe cause your staff but your meant to be players like us? I really think this ban is stupid because I have tried to get help with rules before and only one ever admin has ever helped me and been a pretty chill guy the rest seem like they don't care and act like they are the thing .

I don't get why I deserve a 2 week ban for this honestly if anything a 1 week not a 2 week and if anything again you guys should just like watch your staff speak to some people it could just be me but I have had some rude staff after spending money to buy people premium and buying myself premium I kinda regret it your server is so harsh on punishments to new people and some of these staff seem like they don't care?

I will also add I could of handle this situation better but honestly I am still confused on why I got a ban and all this when I told the admin what I was doing i know for a fact if this was the other admin I met before they would of explained it fully to me and try tell me how not to get in that situation like a admin should do in my opinion if anything give me my orginal 2 days back instead of the 2 weeks

Sorry for thing saying fuck you to a admin but I don't think thats direct disrespect and the 3.4 I think is stupid because yes I have had a warning before for stalling but thats not was happening in this case once again I can try prove lastly your rules are written vagley some of them when my friend read at them he even said it and we was all confused on some of them so if anything please try to re write some rules cause honestly idk if ima come back to this server it just seems like I don't even get to have a full on convo with a admin to fully understand the ban but thanks for that ig

Just a quick edit aswell one of my 3.4s was for going near regals during a raid I would like to point out for this I had no Idea a raid was going on as stated in the report when I was shot and I htought it was a rdm plus I was all the way in the car park so I also believe this just to be a false warn because how was I meant to know a raid was going on I heard no shots and no police so if anything I think this 3.4 I got from today should be a warn and that warn Im on about now removed?

once again I will apologize tho as I could of handled things better but looking at warnings like that I can see where the admin comes from but I don't check my warnings if I had before I would of appealed that warn
Additional Information: Nope
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