Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @flugs
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: kuraprzygoda
Your Roleplay Name: Jacob Chicken
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:83965296

Why were you punished?: 1.4 - Disgusting in-game conduct through voice chat, otherwise displayed a clear disregard for the server and its rules.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Good day.
I would like to begin my appeal with a "Little Monologue" about my past actions.
Two years ago, I joined the forum, and if memory serves me right, I started playing on the server at the end of 2021.
I was quite new to this, and being used to the "usual DarkRP" on Garry's Mod, I wasn't fully aware of the seriousness of this server.
Further the years went by, the more I began to understand and appreciate the unique experience that comes from this server, as well as the attention given by the administration to its players.
When I started playing, like most players, I was getting familiar with the server. At first, I caused no trouble, but things changed when I got to know the server a bit better.
So, what did I do? It started with clowning around and trolling other players gameplay.
I remember that at some point, I didn't pay attention, that I was supposed to be playing true Roleplay, and instead, I ruined the fun for other players.
Then, I received warnings from the administration, but foolish as I was back then, I ignored them.
My first ban was for attempting to RDM a player who was AFK.
Pathetic as I was, instead of facing the consequences and talking to the admin, I disconnected from the game and disregarded the seriousness of the situation.
My second ban was just another handful nails in my coffin.
At that time, I wasn't wise enough to learn from the week-long ban, which only made things worse the second time.
From unrealistic driving and RDM to jumping off a bridge and combat logging.
My third ban was the final one.
Senseless yelling in voice chat, insults, and failure to take knowlage form numerous warnings and bans from the administration ultimately led to my permanent exclusion from the community.
Looking back now, I feel incredibly stupid.
From the bottom of my heart, I want to apologize for my disrespectful actions and the harm I caused to other players experience.
I believe that, at that time, banning me from the game was the only right solution, which I assure you, over the years, has given me a lot to think about.
At this moment, I consider myself to be a great roleplay player, I definitely improved, and trolling is something I left behind a long time ago.
I'll be honest with you:
I know that, in the eyes of the administration, I have long been written off.
However, I believe there is a shadow of a chance, that I will receive a second opportunity from you.
I kindly ask you, to consider my appeal, and I assure you that I will not return to my old habits.
I feel guilty, and I am deeply ashamed of my past behavior.
Thank you for your attention, I leave myself to your mercy and understanding.