Ban Apology (@flugs)

Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @@flugs
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: LoonerZooner
Your Roleplay Name: LucasZomonita
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:602795236

Why were you punished?: Disgusting behaviour including sexual remarks, insinuating racism and micspamming. No intent to play properly

Why should this appeal be considered?: 1 year ago, i was playing on the server, being quite chidlish in the way that i wasn´t exacly the nicest person to speak with, at the moment itself i was a genuine asshole, i spoke out with slurs, said some, , lets just say adult stuff to the in-game police officers, and i was careless. I have since made 2 apologies, one the same day and one after a month, both was declined and i accepted that i was wrong. Personally i think a permanent ban was a stretch, but i could see why flugs decided that a perm was better since he was correct in the sense that at the time it seemed like i was a troll and instead of arguing just threw me in the trash. Hell i wouldve done the same. But after i year of thinking back and cringing at myself for the stupidity i did, i decided just to try once again. I want to genuinly show that i have grown up. I genuinly want to play and do genuine roleplay instead of trolling and do jackshit.

Additional Information: Since then i have changed my steam name to LoonerZooner, at the time my name was LucasZomonita both steam and in-game.
If possible if a "voice chat" type appeal is possible id rather do that since i am more comfortable talking rather than writing a few letters on my screen. Again i sincerely appologise for the people i was a asshole to.