Ban Apology (Fredy)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Fredy
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Code Monkey
Your Roleplay Name: Brandy Martello
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:183447894

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: CWB

Why should this appeal be considered?: Here is my current appeal:

I have been told by Fredy that he will no longer be blocking my ban appeal and will let the admin meeting decide the fate of it. I am once again asking for forgiveness for my actions and will promise that I will not be posting any inappropriate pictures or making any jokes in poor taste. I have worked on being more accepting to other's personal choices and not judging them. At the end of the day, I really miss the community, the game, and the friends I have made along the way. I appreciate you giving this another look and I hope for another opportunity to prove myself. Thanks.

Here was my 2nd appeal:

I was told to wait another 4 weeks by Fredy to submit another appeal so I am submitting another as it has been 6 weeks since the denial of my last appeal. There isn't really much more to add to my appeal and I feel I have done everything in my power to apologize for my actions. My following words below still stay true and I ask for a 2nd chance to be allowed back into the community.

Here was my first appeal:

Fredy and team,

I have taken a month to reflect on my actions that led to my CWB. I deeply regret how I have hurt and offended several community members by my actions. I would like to sincerely apologize to everyone I offended by posting the inappropriate and completely unacceptable picture on the pride month thread. I personally apologize to everyone involved for my actions. I will be welcoming and accepting of other members no matter the situation. I understand that my actions and words were completely out of line and I would like a second chance to right my wrongs. Everyone deserves respect and to feel welcome in the PH community. I am embarrassed by my hurtful words and actions and I sincerely ask for forgiveness. With this being said, I ask for a chance to come back with a communications ban until I can prove I deserve for that to be lifted. I have been in the PH community for close to 10 years now. I have made several friends and feel like this is a second home for me. I appreciate you looking this over and once again ask for forgiveness.

