Ban Apology (@jimmy)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @@jimmy
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Honkerst
Your Roleplay Name: Baker Foe
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:793769455

Why were you punished?: 3.4 After raiding subs 4 and escaping from police decided to linger in the area to kill more police officers.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Dear Admins i am writing this to apologise for my actions i went back to kill some cops when i could've got away easily. i now understand why that is so bad as i have read the rules im deeply sorry to the cops that i shot at as i turned round on the highway and deeply sorry to jimmy for having a bit of a rant when he told me that i was going to get banned. I now realise how stupid that was and i feel like an idiot. I had a lot to drink that night but i know that is no excuse to break the rules i feel so ashamed. The reason to why i turned round to shoot at more police was trying to get the guns we didn't get because of the glitch where u cant see items in my trunk but i now understand that i should've taken the loss and got away as i didn't do that and shoot at the cops i feel like a twat.

I love playing on the sever so much and being part of the community i try my best to not break the rules at all times because i never want to be banned and i enjoy not annoying the admins and playing in peace in rp . i also enjoy the social side to the game a lot and one that you cant find in anywhere else in the gaming world. im new to rp and only started playing it august but have fell in love with it. this is my first sever in rp and ive looked for severs in gmod and there all awful compared to perpheads so im happy that you are my first sever to play on.

Additional Information: I am writing this not that long after my ban because it is the worst time to be banned ever! the Halloween event is out and ive been looking forward to it for so long now and to miss out on that would make me so sad. Im sorry im an iddiot pls find it in your hearts to forgive me and unban me all i want is to not miss out on the halloween event and have a jolly i mean scary and spooky time on the sever with everyone else the new mode look so fun and spooky. I have the whole Sunday to play but this week coming im busy and i don't play much games other then perp if i break 3.4 give me a longer sentence i really badly want to play i want to grind the event out.

Thank you for taking your time to read this.

Now take it away ForoGotSecrets
i know i hasn't been half of my ban but like i said its the worst time to be banned ever. this limited mode look fun and i want to get on it straight away like i said i will accept a longer ban if i do break 3.4 but in my opinion i think ive got good at 3.4 fear rp i find it so fun to rp fear when someone has a gun to my head etc. i wouldn't be making this so soon if there was no event. It weas only a mistake thank you for reading this yet again

Your 3.4 record is poor so I won't consider an appeal at this point in your ban.
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