Ban Apology (@jimmy)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @@jimmy
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Honkerst
Your Roleplay Name: Baker Foe
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:793769455

Why were you punished?: Not leaving a crime scene and instead killing more cops

Why should this appeal be considered?: I am deeply sorry for actions that took place on the 24th of October I feel like an idiot still and I’m so sorry to the cops I shot at. It’s almost been half of my ban now and I haven’t had the best time with family and etc and I whould use perp as an escape but not having that right now sucks. Also tomorrow for Halloween I’m not doing anything at all if I don’t end up getting unbanned from perp I will just be sat in a dark room watching a horror movie.

Additional Information: My 3.4 record is bad but it’s only mistakes that are in there like when I was a new player and didn’t understand fear rp. I think it’s unfair to judge people on there record and there mistakes. I never do anything that bad I never troll I never try to ruin someone else’s experience I’m an all round good citizen. Just because I have a bad record doesn’t mean I do this stuff on purpose who enjoys bieng banned no one?

Thank you for taking ur time to read this.

My other appeal-
Like I have said many times I am making these appeals because it’s the hallowen event that is very short and limted I’ve been looking forward to it for a while now. I just feel like it’s such a shame to miss out on this fun event for something like a mistake I’ve learnt my lesson I will never do that again ever. Put ur self in my shoes I make a dumb mistake and now I miss out on these cool event pls find it in ur hearts to un ban me and let me play the event

I have unbanned you, keep in mind that you are starting to build a record under this rule so please familiarise yourself propperly with rule 3.4 before engaging in more roleplay.
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