Ban Apology (joeythings)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @JoeyThings
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: Thebigbambozler
Your Roleplay Name: Jannett
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:66675335

Why were you punished?: for killing two people within the right of rp

Why should this appeal be considered?: The reason to why i believe the appeal should be considered would be the following. Both instances where i killed the other player were justified and fit with in the realm of rp. the first guy in the bank i had him at gun point and was robbing and when i was going to leave after robbing him i told him i would kill him if he tried to call the cop in which he pulled his phone out before i left so i killed him. The second inncodent involved a road crew worker where he had damaged my car as well as tried taking me all the way across town when their was a gas station near by. when he unhooked my car, he refused to fix it and refused to compensate me or give a discount two which i was going to leave with out pay. he tried booting my car so as my charater would i shot the road worker and left. Non of the people i killed were rdmed nor was it outside of rp. they were just upset that i killed them so they reported me.
if i did break the rules i do apologize and would love to play on your server since its the only serious server left it seems
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