Ban Apology (Megasaw)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Megasaw
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: SwanJon
Your Roleplay Name: Swan Jon
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:72123838

Why were you punished?: I stole a car and drove away, a man was pointing a gun at me as I drove away, I didn't realize this was in violation of the rules as I thought for it to be gunpoint he had to be standing in front of the car. I got caught by a cop and explained to him that I had to log out soon to collect my daughter and asked if I could pay a ticket for the crime of stealing the car before logging out, I paid the ticket and then he agreed that I could log out, then I went to collect my daughter from school and when I came back to log on I was banned. I told the cop who arrested me that I was logging out and paid a ticket prior to logging out, not sure if you can check my paid ticket history but if so it will show I paid the ticket before logging out.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I think I should be appealed as I did not break the rules with any malicious intent and I did tell the cop I would be logging out and paid a fine before having to leave the server, I didn't try to leave unexpectly to avoid being caught or anything like that. I would really appreciate a second chance as I have a clean record and have never had a serious issue or been banned before. I really enjoy playing on the server and I was trying my best to play in line with the rules. I have read over some of the posts on the forums to familiarize myself with the rules as a refresher. Thanks again and sorry for any annoyance or hassle caused.

Additional Information: No additional information.
Hey, I relogged to check if everything was ok as I was worried something like this would happen, when I reconnected a few moments after I saw that my character was being escorted to the jail, so I didn't think there was an issue I had paid my fine and was now in the jail, so I disconnected. I am sorry if this was a violation of the rules.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt for leaving, however, you still broke 3.4 earlier before that encounter by failing to stop whilst under gunpoint.

I am going to reduce your ban from 1 week to 5 days.