Ban Apology (Megsaw)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Megsaw
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: pendingsuicide
Your Roleplay Name: Lora Khaki
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:812368420

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User failed to comply whilst under gunpoint by an officer for a very prolonged period of time, causing their car to get shot and risking their life.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello again to you, Megasaw.

I am complacent in writing this, as the last was denied. However, I have rightfully served over half of my ban time and am here to once again, formally apologize; in hopes of some slack cut. There isn’t much to say now, that my last apology hasn't been covered, however I would like to reinstate some things I’ve said previously to not only refresh your memory, but show you that I am serious about getting my point across so you can further understand my point of view.

The reason I was banned was due to my own negligence and I have taken this past week to reflect on my actions. I would also like you to know that I have taken your advice, and read over the rules. This is not exclusive to the 3.4 rule, but all rules. Again, I have reflected on my actions and I now completely, and fully know why I was banned, and why I am being punished. I have taken this time away from Perpheads, and never so badly wanted to play it. Everytime I wake up, I remind myself that I am a day closer to being unbanned. I reflect on my actions, and regret my decision every day.

I know you have read my past apology and I hope you took a second to understand my situation and thought process. I have reviewed some other bans over the past week, for 3.4. A lot of the punishments were not as harsh as mine. I don't recall any names, but there was a player who broke the same rule (3.4) only 2 days apart and only received a 1 week ban. With that said, I would like to remind you that my record is not clean. Infact, I have slipped up multiple times through this learning process. However, my last ban for 3.4 was over a month ago. I have only been playing for a short period of time, but I average about 7 hours a day on Perpheads and I do not believe I break rules frequently.

I once again ask for your forgiveness and some lean on this ban. I also ask that you understand, or try to understand my situation and the reason I broke the rule in the first place. I am aware that a rule break is a rule break, and comes with punishment. However, this instance is not purposeful for me. I assure you that everyday I get on this game; I have intentions to properly roleplay. I never get on Perp with the expectation of breaking a rule, and I never hope to be banned again. Please understand my situation and the reason’s I may have broken this rule. I ask from you that you take in what I am telling you, and asking of you, and act accordingly on what you think would be right to do.

Additional Information: :(

I will accept your apology since you have served half your length and I believe you have tried to understand the rules during your time off the server.

However, if you do break 3.4 again in the near future (specifically gunpoint), it will result in a much harsher ban.