Ban Apology (Mini)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Mini
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: MalekIsWeird
Your Roleplay Name: Omar Asfour
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137872891

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 3.4 - User killed me in a public place for an extremely minor reason

Why should this appeal be considered?: I request that my ban is lifted because I admittedly recognize my problem with repeated 2.5. I used to show signs of anger, I used to lose control of what I am doing whilst roleplaying. That is not just a sign of insubordination to the rules but also immaturity. I am not a child and not only should more be expected of me but I should expect better of my self. My apologies to not only Mini for the scenario which occurred but any victim to my anger beforehand. I want to never repeat this error and I want to at least clarify that in this scenario I had noticed some improvement in trying to be rational in my actions which me and Mini did attempt to discuss although clearly not enough to avoid repeating the infraction. I chose to shoot Mini in a hasty way which was evidently wrong. To my knowledge at the time over the year I've been in perpheads all I knew was that 5.3 was rock solid and clear. I've always been told "Never take anything from anybody in public," and so I didn't clock the obvious proper solution which I should have done which is take the phone instead of a life. Instead I blatantly broke 2.5 and that was not out of malicious intent but rather what I strongly believe to be an honest mistake that I promise to learn from. I genuinely want to return to the server and play with everybody instead of stay banned then play for two days and get banned again. I am tired of that and it's not only bothersome for me but also staff so I understand any frustration as I am frustrated with my actions as well. I can only hope for the ban to be lifted so I can simply take my mistake to the chin with the consequences I received and my time off that I had to think of why what I did was wrong then learn from it to be a better player.
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