Ban Apology (Moon)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Moonyx
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Speedsters
Your Roleplay Name: Leroy Cartier
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:46620151

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User decided to loiter around an active shootout, which resulted in there death; they went into there apartment and came back out knowingly knowing a shootout was happening a minute before they entered Projex.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I have been shot like you can see in the clip underneath, when I was inside my apartment and then I went outside, ran down the stairs and at the parking lot, there were no shots. Also, I have seen there were 2 EMS on scene reviving people, so I took that as reference that the scene was clear and I was walking towards my car and got killed.

I apologize if this was actually a breach of 3.4, even though I want you to consider that I did not hear shots when I was in the property and when going down, and the EMS reference so I thought the scene was over.

This is my first ban aswell, so I'm hoping it can be taken into consideration aswell.


After reviewing your demo and grabbing another staff member's second opinion, it's very obvious you knew that a shootout was happening outside, but you still decided to walk out and stare into the distance where the situation was unfolding, and you got shot because of it. You linked a 27-second clip of you walking out of your Projex apartment but never shared what happened previously before you went into the apartment. I suggest if your going to attempt to report a potential rule break, you share what happened before and not just clip 27 seconds of a clip to your benefit. Regardless of whether EMS was on the scene, you heard shots beforehand and saw the shooters actively shooting at people and vehicles. You could have looked out your window to see if the cops intervened or waited longer until the scene was actually clear. Instead, you walked out of your apartment over a minute after going in, knowing the shooters were still outside and there were moaning bodies

What I will do is reduce the ban to 1 day from 3 days.
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