Ban Apology (Oddy)

Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Oddy
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: UncleSkiCat
Your Roleplay Name: Dean Coppens
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:26455820

Why were you punished?: - The player attempted to mug another player on the highway, in addition to this the player also called him a discriminatory slur.

Why should this appeal be considered?: this is directed to the perpheads staff and to the person I offended. aswel as my friends and my roommate that also became victim of my actions...
I deeply regret my actions, I wasn't in a good state of mind that day everything in my life felt like a black hole that sucked all the possitivity out. I know that by saying that I am sorry ( which I really am ) that i can't undo the damage i have done... Gaming with everyone on the perpheads server including my friends that I love to roleplay with were my escape of the things that are going on IRL. I came back to Garry's Mod perpheads to bring back the old memory's i had from 2013-2015. but because of what I did I cannot share that experience anymore. my actions didnt only hurt the community but my friends and roommate aswel. It really made me feel bad at work and it stayed like that when I got home. since my roommate was also intrested in playing and shes sad that cause my actions she can't get into it aswel.
I really hope i can be forgiven for my actions. so that I can proof that I promise this will never happen again.
I will even apologize in voicechat to the person that I offended.

If I were to be unbanned this would really brighten up my life again. thanks for taking this under concideration