Ban Apology (Phoondos)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @I don't know
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: Deevegs
Your Roleplay Name: Dylan Pancho
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:70177524

Why were you punished?: I was in my apartment with a bunch of other organization members (every single one of us is a "new player"). The cops had tried to raid the upstairs apartment that we had been beefing with all night. Our group of 7 decided we would take advantage of the opportunity given we had heard nothing in the past few minutes (we thought the police had gotten killed). So we walked upstairs and a multiple of the members had weapons drawn, we saw cops inside the apartment with guns out and all hell broke loose and most people involved died. I was then banned for violating rule 3.4.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I'm still a new player and I am genuinely here to roleplay and have fun. I was not trying to negatively impact anyone else's roleplay, I just didn't know what to do after the shooting started so I started shooting. I did not mean to violate the rules and I still have no clue how to interpretate rule 3.4 after just being banned with one sentence which didn't help much with learning exactly how I could've played the situation better. I feel like instead just banning me for 2 days it would have been more beneficial to just explain what I did wrong, so I don't end up in that position again. Like I said I'm still a new player and I'm genuinely here to roleplay, I did not intentionally break the rules and I apologize that I did.
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United States of America
Hello, @phoondos and @JoeyThings are the two who issued you the ban.

To give you a little explanation on rule 3.4, the general concept is risking your life for a justifiable means. For example, if you are being pulled over for speeding, it would be unreasonable to pull a weapon and or shoot the Officers who pulled you over to evade getting charged, this is because a speeding ticket, getting your vehicle impounded, or even going to jail for 1-2 years is not worth the risk to your life that killing a Police Officer would bring.

In the ban you received, it is always unacceptable to counter-raid, when you are initially uninvolved, when Police are already on scene. In terms of 3.4 though, the reason that it is not allowed is that engaging with the Police in a raid on a private property automatically sets you to an extremely high lawful punishment or risk of death for a relatively low monetary reward, when you would otherwise have the upperhand if you were to initiate or join a raid before police arrived. -- In general, this is just not allowed across the board.

I hope that this can help you better understand the rules, as while bans and warnings aren't pleasant for anybody, their main focus is to encourage a fair experience for everyone.
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That makes sense, I definitely understand a lot better now. I appreciate you explaining it to me, definitely won't happen again now that I know. Once again, I apologize for the players that were affected negatively. I do have one more question though. Why were only two of us banned and why was I banned for the longest duration? I wasn't the person to initiate the shooting, I only started shooting after everyone else started shooting. I just happened to be the one to get the greatest number of kills.
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Admin Hill

Hello, I was the person who issued the ban. Thank you for the apology, your punishment was longer due to you not admitting fault or apologizing during the sit, your friend was telling you to be quiet and was more respectful and apologetic. Again thank you for the apology though. Feel free to PM me if you need any more help with the rules.

Your ban will be reduced by a day.
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