Ban Apology (Racxes)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Racxes
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: albert96
Your Roleplay Name: Albert Longtrotter
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:25950663

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Broke Gunpoint

Why should this appeal be considered?: It was a mistake, I honestly didn't think I was breaking a rule at the time I did it. I did it instinctively thinking it was the best thing to do for my survival but I was wrong and I apologize! I now know that if I'm in that position to just stay still and await further commands and not to try to go inside the building and shut the door. Someone had done it to me before and I didn't think anything of it. I was just having fun with the other two guys and was RP'n. I won't do it again. I hope you can remove the ban as I love the server.

I genuinely am sorry about breaking the rule, the server is great and full of amazing people. I have many hours on the server and I'm not on it to mess around and break the rules. I'd like to be given the opportunity to prove that with the ban being lifted so I can continue to RP seriously in the server!

Thanks for your time.
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