Ban Apology (SAMSN)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: SAMSN
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Day

Your Steam Name: ithurtswhenip2much
Your Roleplay Name: cant remember
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:727798176

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: banned

Why should this appeal be considered?: I messed up. I wanted to admit my crime to the police but was banned before I could. its pretty sad that you ban not even give people a chance to redeem them self.

para lake is my home and just not the same when i have to leave it.

it makes me so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sad :(

when im banned its like a kitten dies.

Additional Information: been banned for no reason for 1 months for racism whilst I just told someone to be quiet. now i genuinely killed a fire fighter and got banned i even wanted to turn my self in after.

I should have got a chance to redeem my self as everyone makes mistakes.

Its very poor management if only one party gets justice and the other don't even get a warning.
I intend and playing nice on your server.

I have missed the server so much and was so happy to be able to play on it again.

Also I enjoy making friend on the server everyone is very funny to chill with.

please give me a chance. i will even be a firefighter if i have to
kind regards
Reaction score
United Kingdom

Its very poor management if only one party gets justice and the other don't even get a warning.
Why would the firefighter get a warning? All he did was put out a fire, that's literally his job and not against the rules...

Generally your apology doesn't come off as every serious and considering you were less than 2 hours off of a ban when you did this I don't see any reason why your apology should be accepted!
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