Ban Apology (Scarbuz)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scrabuz
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: dumbcatboy
Your Roleplay Name: Finn Fingers
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:523182483

Why were you punished?: 3.20 - disconnecting to avoid arrest

Why should this appeal be considered?: This is somewhere between a dispute and an apology. Yes, I did logout so the ban is justified, I am, however, appealing the length. I don't have any other bans on the server, no warnings, and only 1 blacklist which was for 30 minutes over a parking violation. I don't deny that Scarbuz is totally within their right to ban me but I did notice that someone else had recently logged out during an arrest and only got a 3 day ban despite them having several prior bans and blacklists. I feel given that my jailtime was only going to be 5-10 minutes that banning me for over 1000 times that original sentence given I have no prior history probably was a bit much.

The dispute part of this more-so comes from the behavior from one of the "helpers" who was borderline on the verge of tears because I'd driven up the wrong side of a freeway and was insistent on having me banned because he couldn't contain his emotions. I don't have an interest in pursuing a staff complaint despite having the video of the encounter as maybe the guy was just having a bad day, but feels that possibly the length was influenced by this helper who wasn't my biggest fan. Maybe I'm wrong about that part, but I know staff talk to each other. I'm sure we're both in the wrong, I definitely was goading his reactions but only because he was threatening to RDM me, blacklist me, ban me, and then kept upping the time on my blacklist. Again, doesn't make it right, but it did influence my decision to leave the server as he does represent the staff team and my first ever interaction with him was him exploding on me over a minor thing.

Additional Information: Not sure if relevant but I only drove away from the Police, I never ran anyone over or anything similar.

Are you apologizing or disputing the length? If it's the latter then you'd need to make a staff complaint
I mean, sorta somewhere between? I don't want to make a complaint because I know you're justified in the length and banning me as I did break the rule. I was just hoping by apologizing and explaining the situation including my clear prior history that maybe some leniency could be given regarding the length. Hope that makes sense.
You need to decide whether you want to apologize, in which case I will look into it, or feel the duration is unjustified, in which case you'll need to make a staff complaint.
You need to decide whether you want to apologize, in which case I will look into it, or feel the duration is unjustified, in which case you'll need to make a staff complaint.
I'll go with an apology then as that is more what it is. Thanks.
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