Ban Apology (Scrabuz)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scrabuz
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Elias
Your Roleplay Name: Farid Abd-Manaf
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:586529834

Why were you punished?: 2.5, 3.4 - User shot at the feet of a paramedic to "make them jump", with the sole purpose of "having fun" and to see "what would need to be done for the medic to press their panic button

Why should this appeal be considered?: i woude like to apoligyise to the players of the server wich i have rounded there time trying to have fun while roleplaying by not proberly roleplaying my self i take full responsebility for what i have done and i know it was stupic and childish from my part i like to come on the server to get some breake from reaility and to bbe able to have fun with othere people and i hate too se myself as one of the people runing the game and the roleplay for otheres onestly i have no idea why i woude think it was okay to do something as stupid as i did and it will never be happing again if i get unbbaned i hope i wil be abgle to be one of the community members helping out and bettering the game of othere people i miss being able to come on to have fun playing with my freinds and i get unbbaned i wil make sure to both follow the rules myself but also rembere to report when othere people dosent follow.

i woude also like to apoligyse to Scrabuz for lasing out at him and acting childish in dms i know it was dumb of me i was mad and i truly apoligise and it wil not be happening again

Additional Information: Am dyslixic so am sorry if there is any bad spelling.

Thank you for looking at my apoligy
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