Ban Apology (sidd)

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Akagami shankss

Communication Banned
Reaction score
Grand line
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: sidd
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Akagami shanksss
Your Roleplay Name: Zee Kazuma
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:712316687

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - User killed another civilian because he thought he called the cops on him for illegally transporting.

Why should this appeal be considered?: someone threatend to call police but ended up calling his friend so i got confused so i killed him because thought i was doing the right thing but ended up breaking another rule 3.4 but i realise now im the one who was in the wrong so i have took my time to read all of the rules again and i assure you this wont happen again

Additional Information:
this is the evidence i have for my mistake as you can see he pulled his phone out and that is why i did what i did also if you reconsider this apology and unban me let me show you with actions rather than words i have no intent on getting banned again for a mistake i made this could of been avoided if i read everyrule bit by bit so once again i am sorry
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sidd also wanted to say sorry for publicly saying you was biased the whole time i shouldnt assume and say things without context i was going to message you in private but bro i went public about this in dispute so thought id say im sorry i realise now you was just doing your job

You only recently came off a ban for the same rulebreak.
Wait at least a few days before thinking to apologise again.
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