Ban Apology (Super/Fredy????)

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Reaction score
Maneti Chao
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Super/Fredy????
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Mage
Your Roleplay Name: some long name i seriously have no idea
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37831563

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Metagame and then for "toxicity"

Why should this appeal be considered?: I got banned over a year ago now, initially for 3 months because of metagaming, and then it got extended to permanent for supposedly being toxic, though I quite literally only remember posting 2 black men kissing and a jar of dried up cum (serious) in the shoutbox. I don't particularly think I was a toxic person in all honesty, I had a pretty good record across the many years I played here, I wouldn't nescessarily consider RDM'ing toxic, the only actual case was me calling someone an "incel" but that was like 3 or 4 years ago now. So I'm not going to pretend I'm some reformed person, I'm generally a very friendly person to everyone, I just think at the time of getting banned a lot of stuff was going on and most of my org got purged, and I think I'm the only one who is still banned. Most of the people I even played with have probably moved on by now, I haven't really spoken to any of them, too busy playing WoW and losing infinite LP on league. But yeah, if I was toxic or did some bad stuff at the time of getting banned, I'm sorry, having previously played here for many years, I think a lot of people can hopefully remember that I was better than that, I never really broke rules outside of doing excessively dumb shit, but I'm way past that these days. I just wanna hop on and have some fun, fedex delivery some loot, and then probably quit in 2 months again when lost ark comes out (pog).

Additional Information: Well, I did appeal at the very start of 2021 (almost a year ago now) and I was only kept banned because people from my previous org were unbanned before me, unlucky I guess? Idk, don't think this is really a problem anymore
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