Ban Apology (TYMON007)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @TYMON007
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: EvActusk465
Your Roleplay Name: Lee Wolf
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:518355644

Why were you punished?: "3.5, 3.20 - User broke NLR as an officer during slums shootout. Left the game as soon as i created a report with them."

Why should this appeal be considered?: Wolfhorn doesn't have his login details at the moment but it was just that he didn't realise there was an F6 opened, he thought that an admin would physically take his character aside and speak to him that way, he didn't realise it was in the chat. It was me who told him he was banned, he didn't know. Wolfhorn's NRL spawned him at PD front desk and he panicked in the moment because he didn't know if PD was surrounded or not due to shootings going on in the area. His shooting towards Slums wasn't intentional with the NRL, it was instinct and panic. He sincerely apologies - he wasn't trying to run away from the responsibility of it, he genuinely didn't realise that it was an F6.

Additional Information: Wolfhorn will keep an eye on the chat in future for F6's.
Also, how do we use Teamspeak? Is there a way to speak on Discord with you? :)
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