Ban Appeal @Gimic

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Gimic
How long were you banned for: 2 months

Your Steam Name
: Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell
Your In-game Name: Eren Bingo
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60869150

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Absolute Minge
Why should this appeal be considered: I didnt realise the consequenses of watching a shootout. Still I will admit that I was minging and I am very sorry for that kind of behavior. I had a very long and exhausting day. I just wanted to blow off some steam so me and Jack Bingo decided to have some "fun". While I thought it was worth it at the time I realised and learnt from the bad. PERP isnt always all fun and games you need to commit to the roleplay sometimes which I've learnt now. I hope you can excuse my behavior and pardon me for now.

I also want to apologize to the peoples RP i have ruined by minging on the server.

Thank you for reading, Al Capone.

Additional Comment(s): :(:(:(:(
Nothing suggests that he is mad. Where did you make that assumption from? He clearly states that he had a tough day IRL and needed to blow off some steam. Seems like you're a quite negative man.
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