Ban appeal

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Reaction score
Appealing for: BanAppeal Type: Dispute

Your Steam Name: Rustic7
Your In-game Name: James Carter ( I think )
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:61992958

Why were you banned/blacklisted: I were previously banned from Alex for punching Leyer while in cuffs. I went back 6 months after or something and I played PH while playing with leyer and we moved to SRP and got my self banned for creating that community.
Why should this appeal be considered: I've quit SRP and I dont really care about it anymore so I would like to be given one more chance to play here on PH.

Additional Comment(s): Ehm I guess thats the reaosn till ban because I dont see any other reasons.

Also to add up you're very rude to a lot of people in teamspeak when they try to talk to you.
you broke 1.1 and 3.4 those are serious rules and if you want to appeal for those you should putt more time in the ban appeal and you shouldnt lie about the reason in it.
I dont feel like i broke 1.1, And putting your life in risc, what are you all about, the ban was 6 months ago or idk what your on about.
Huge negative support from yesterday the fact standish had to moan at you, lets not repeat what you said.
Going to give a +support for this, as much as you are a bit of a nobhead; you deserve a final chance.

Good luck
I also want to apology about what happend between SRP and PERPHeads. I really never wanted to have something against PH and I always liked PH. I want to apology for the owners for begin disrespectful towards them and calling them dicks etc.

I believe if I got one chance to play here you would see a improvement. Now im really a nice person if you get to know meh. Im kinda hated by most of the owners but yeah. I apology for my attiude when I had SRP.

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