Ban Appology on behalf of dan

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @McGlinchy
How long were you banned for 6 months - Later increased to permanent

Your Steam Name: Seamus
Your In-game Name: Johnathon Bad
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:38143127

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Attempted Mass RDM - Shitposting on forums got it increased

Why should this appeal be considered: When I was on the server in the morning, I was having an argument with Ethan which was getting increasingly heated to the point where I was muted. I’m not sure if Ethan was muted, but the message that followed my mute from Ethan didn’t give me a lot of faith, so I was extremely heated. That’s the reason I Mass RDMed, it was because I was heated and angry at McGlinchy for something I should’ve probably just thought about for a second. I can not personally remember this argument.

I do apologize for shooting Vlady, Peter, and another sweater, but during that moment I was getting increasingly angry, and eventually, it just boiled over. It was irresponsible and stupid and I should’ve just waited a moment to cool off before making a decision. A lot of my bans are from me making stupid decisions while drunk, except for one where I took a joke too far, and I can see now that my behavior was completely unacceptable.

Another thing that factored into my ban was a meme I posted which originates from Goofy’s Trial where he says “I’ll fuckin’ do it again.” I posted that both in text and image format because I thought it was funny at the time, and I agree it was probably in poor taste at that time.

I was also later permabanned from the forums for sending McGlinchy a forum PM claiming that the MassRDM was due to someone blackmailing me with “cheating evidence”, however, the link was rigged to redirect him to Never Gonna Give You Up (which I presume he clicked given the ban). It was also extremely stupid and I do apologize for it, since I understand forum PMs are usually used for more official business and so it was probably annoying when it turned out to be a joke.

Again, I do apologize for the MassRDM, the shitposting, and later the forum PM, the latter of two just joked that I made in poor taste. I can guarantee that the Mass RDM will not happen again, and I understand if this appeal is denied given my history.

My own comment: From dan's point of view I can see how he messed up. Personally I do not think this should result in a permanent ban. Posting what seems to be an obvious joke should not result in a permanent ban. I do think he does deserve some ban time but a permanent ban should only be reserved for those who do not wish to roleplay on the server or cheat the server.

I have only recently joined back to PERP. But from what I have seen mas RDM Does not result in a permanent ban. It leads me to believe there's no valid reason to hand out a permanent ban towards dan.
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