Ban Dispute (3izu)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: 3izu
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: catching z's
Your Roleplay Name: Marcus Biscotti
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:65247891

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Ban Evasion

Why should this appeal be considered?: 3izu was bias towards me looking for a reason to ban me because of me typing in chat asking staff to look at who rdm'd me. I waited around 10 minutes and said in the chat something along the lines are "Are the staff sleeping" then he told me to wait longer and I told him to "do your volunteer work you slave" I wanted him look at my ticket I was totally fed up with everything on the server (the lag and the slow wait times for help) he decided to look at my IP for whatever reason which is still weird to me. I was using a VPN because I dont feel its necessary to give a server access to information like where I live. (city, state) ive been ddosed plenty of times over the years playing this game gmod, darkrp. I dont apologize for the things I said because he wasnt doing his job properly and was bias towards me he never punished the player that RDM'd me twice. Nor did I realize that using a VPN was not allowed because I joined the server and didnt receive a message saying to disable my vpn nor in the rules did I see that using a VPN wasnt allowed. Which its possible it mentions using a vpn is not prohibited in the rules but I do not recall seeing it.

Additional Information: I dont apologize for the things I said. do your job next time you clearly just wanted a reason to ban me because I called you a volunteer working slave. If you just did your job properly there wouldnt be a problem. On the other hand the players who play the server most of them are pretty helpful/friendly which is one of the reasons I enjoyed my rough 12 hours of playtime on the server.

I would like to request a staff member of non-bias review my application and not 3izu. I feel the reason that I was banned was because of the things I said to him and not because I was using a VPN.
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Nor did I realize that using a VPN was not allowed because I joined the server and didnt receive a message saying to disable my vpn nor in the rules did I see that using a VPN wasnt allowed. Which its possible it mentions using a vpn is not prohibited in the rules but I do not recall seeing it.

You tried to join on a VPN at the start, but was kicked for 'Your account needs more time on the server before it can join from anything other than a residential IP address', are you sure you didn't know that you need to get more playtime before using a VPN?
You tried to join on a VPN at the start, but was kicked for 'Your account needs more time on the server before it can join from anything other than a residential IP address', are you sure you didn't know that you need to get more playtime before using a VPN?
The first time I joined the server ever I do not recall getting that message.
You tried to join on a VPN at the start, but was kicked for 'Your account needs more time on the server before it can join from anything other than a residential IP address', are you sure you didn't know that you need to get more playtime before using a VPN?
and no I didnt realize that you need X amount of playtime before you can join using a VPN. I was not made aware of that by 3izu.
and no I didnt realize that you need X amount of playtime before you can join using a VPN. I was not made aware of that by 3izu.

In your ban comments, it states you were told to get off your VPN and refused to do so, are you willing to get off your VPN?
In your ban comments, it states you were told to get off your VPN and refused to do so, are you willing to get off your VPN?
Yes, I will get off my VPN. How much playtime do you need?
I believe 2 days it is, please turn off your VPN now so I can do the outcome of this dispute.
Ok well im on college wifi anyways. Let me know once im unbanned. Please clarify if you want me to access the website without a VPN or the server.
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