Ban Dispute (A1L)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @A1L
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: mrsander
Your Roleplay Name: Sander
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:527406865

Why were you punished?: Mass RDM - seemingly shot random people for no reason, disconnected unconscious.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Because this isnt the reason i got told when i got 3 day banned? I had a shootout with the police after they death rammed us in the crossroad near Police station, i then jumped up and they aimed guns at my mate and tried to arrest him not noticing me. They put all their guns down trying to arrest him and when they did that i shot them with a shotgun. Several people then pulled up and the cops shot the shit out of me, i then rage quit but insta rejoined. The staff pulled me on top of the apartments across from bank, he asked me why i decided to shoot them and called it fearRP i then told him why and then he said "Well im gonna have to ban you for combatlogging." i now join alot later to figure out i have perm ban?
You are quite clearly delusional, this ban was back in April and you're somehow forgetting everything?

This is part of the reason why you were banned - You had shot two random people in the Suburbs and then proceeded to start opening fire on officers, what am I missing? You also disconnected unconscious and never came back? Where were you being told that you were being told you got a 3 day ban? No one spoke to you on the roof cause you left the server...? lol

You are quite clearly delusional, this ban was back in April and you're somehow forgetting everything?

This is part of the reason why you were banned - You had shot two random people in the Suburbs and then proceeded to start opening fire on officers, what am I missing? You also disconnected unconscious and never came back? Where were you being told that you were being told you got a 3 day ban? No one spoke to you on the roof cause you left the server...? lol

My bad i thought of another time where i was in the wrong, don't know who i spoke to there, but now you send this i remember it. Thanks for refreshing my memory i'm very sorry. I appreciate the quick response and wonder what i can do to make up for the horrendous rp that i clearly did here. I apologise for this and dont remember why i decided to do this. Im sorry.
I do feel like the perm ban is a bit long considering i've been looking at other cases with worse ban reasons resulting at a maximum of 6 months and even one with non applicable ban having a very well deserved reason. I honestly dont remember the whole instance of what i did other than the clip you have sent, i dont know when or why i decided to suddenly leave the server or what caused me to kill this guy in the clip. But either way i feel like a perm ban is alot considering the scenario.

Looking at the situation, it's clear that you shot and killed multiple people for seemingly no reason. Feel free to make a ban apology if you would like the ban to be reduced or lifted.

I do feel like the perm ban is a bit long considering i've been looking at other cases with worse ban reasons resulting at a maximum of 6 months and even one with non applicable ban having a very well deserved reason. I honestly dont remember the whole instance of what i did other than the clip you have sent, i dont know when or why i decided to suddenly leave the server or what caused me to kill this guy in the clip. But either way i feel like a perm ban is alot considering the scenario.

If you have an issue with the ban length, make a staff complaint.
You cannot dispute a punishment because you feel the length was unjust, this must be done via a staff complaint instead.
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