Ban Dispute (Aquaa)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Aquaa
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: Diaz
Your Roleplay Name: Diaz Clemenza
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:122974740

Why were you punished?: 4.1 - As a SS agent, he continuously beat a handcuffed individual whilst they were obviously no threat.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Okey, so i got banned for suppposed breaking of 4.1 wich is for people who dont know not following the law as a Government Employee. The situation that i got banned, and suspended from police while there were no supervisors on at the moment but we will get into that part later. Basiclly i hit a guy 2 or 3 times with a batton to stop a fight from breaking out, wich under the server laws i broke nothing i actually enforced law "2.1 Self Defence and the Defence of others" wich states following - "Any person may use a justifiable amount of force proportionate to a threat if they reasonably believe that such force would prevent injury, death or the loss of property or possessions."

Now to explain further why i used a batton, it is because as law 2.1 suggest u must use a proportionate force to the threat wich is in front of you hence i did not use a gun,taser or any other method. Now Aquaa sugests and claims when responding to my first ban appeal that there is a supposed different situation that happend at city hall, and that the guy was cuffed, all of that without providing any proof whatsoever to his claims, not only that i also disconnected from the server 10 / 15 minutes after that without anyone bringing me into a sit or trying to see what happend, all he says is "Someone made a report" i got no message about it neither was i tried to be contacted at all. How do i know all of this well just look he even called my friend also the guy i hit a "moron" because he was trying to tell him it was him who i hit to try and stop a fight from breaking out.

Now we get to the second part wich is suspension from PLPD, ive been a good member of PLPD having no complaints made and no laws or rules broken as a police officer ever. I got the suspension notice at 2:34 am and got banned at 6:03am The IA was pushed by Vladimir Zaistev, who suprisingly provided 0 video or any other kind of evidence togheter with aquaa to meet theyr claims that i hit a cuffed person. You can see everything for yourself.

You continued to hit him whilst he was in cuffs. Your suspension was also removed and you were discharged from the PD by myself. If you believe Aquaa had done something wrong, feel free to create a staff complaint however your ban is valid.
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