Ban Dispute (Aquaa)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Aquaa
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks

Your Steam Name: boke
Your Roleplay Name: Romeo Love
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:100088036

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4, 1.1 - User ran under gunpoint under the false excuse of "I never saw a gun, so I wasn't being gunpointed". He was told several times to stop running or he would be shot, and he continued to run. In the report, he became distasteful after learning he was going to be receiving a server ban for his actions.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello, I wanna start off with what occurred during the entire situation. Me and my friend were stealing a car at casino. We crowbar the car and started driving off. Aquaa happens to be driving right by as a cop. We start running as he started to chase us. We started driving down to the docks and I decided to hop out and start running as the car was not as fast as police car. Right when I hop out the car Aquaa start chasing me decides to pull his gun out and say hands up or I’m gonna shoot you. He keeps chasing me until I get to the boat and it was a dead end and I gave up and put my hands up.

Now I wanna explain how I think my ban and this entire situation is unfair. First of all I’m committing a petty crime which I think is theft but I could be wrong. But I am sure I’m committing a petty crime to his knowledge. I did have a pistol on me but he never knew that until I surrendered. Aquaa broke 2.1 rule and broke 3.3 law let me explain. First 2.1 rule states “ This game mode aims to emulate real life, and as such, players are expected to play realistically at all times”, in what way is it realistic as a cop to gun point and threaten my life just for stealing a car? Cops are provided tasers for a reason. In no way was I a threat to his life so why should he use such force that he would basically kill me for stealing a car. Second law 3.3 states “ Law enforcement officers may use any amount of force in the execution of their duties provided that it is reasonable and justifiable”, key words reasonable and justifiable. In what way is it reasonable and justifiable as your first resort to gun point a suspect and say you will kill him for a petty crime if he doesn’t put his hands up? Now I would get it if he knew I had a gun or someone called the police about a gun. But in this case it wasn’t like that all I did was steal a car and got treated like I just killed someone or threaten someone’s life. In what way is this realistic or even justifiable? Aquaa if you disagree with me please explain why you needed to use such force.

Now I already know that if he broke rules and I wanted to report him I would need to make a staff complaint. I’m not here to report him. I’m here to get this ban off my record. If it wasn’t for him breaking server rules and laws I wouldn’t be in this situation. That’s why I’m disputing this.

Additional Information: Just wanna make it clear in no way I was a threat to his life. To his knowledge I never committed any violent crimes or was armed. Just wanna clarify. Also wanna say that at the end of the day he could have just chased me down and tased me and that would be it. Instead he gun points me for whatever reason then bans me for 3 weeks. “Due to my terrible history.” For the evidence if his story is different I’ll try and provide my demo to show the full story. Might be hard bc I am banned.
Are you agreeing you broke the rules or not then but think the situation is unfair cause he pointed a gun at you for a 'petty' crime? He pulls a gun and is giving you commands yet you're failing to follow them?
Are you agreeing you broke the rules or not then but think the situation is unfair cause he pointed a gun at you for a 'petty' crime? He pulls a gun and is giving you commands yet you're failing to follow them?
I never intentionally meant to break the rules. I never saw him point the gun at me because I was running the entire time. Tbh I didn’t think he had a gun out and was gun pointing me bc all I did was steal a car. I thought he was gonna tase me. The reason I thought he said hands up is so I would stop so he could tase me. The moment I saw a gun pointed at me I stop and put my hands up and that’s when I was at a dead end. I’m claiming him using a gun and expecting me to value that just because he is saying something when I only committed a petty crime should be invalid. As this is very unrealistic and the reason I was banned because he thinks I’m lying and I knew he was pointing a gun at me. When in reality I would never think I was actually gun pointed and life threaten for stealing a car and running.
I never intentionally meant to break the rules. I never saw him point the gun at me because I was running the entire time. Tbh I didn’t think he had a gun out and was gun pointing me bc all I did was steal a car. I thought he was gonna tase me. The reason I thought he said hands up is so I would stop so he could tase me. The moment I saw a gun pointed at me I stop and put my hands up and that’s when I was at a dead end. I’m claiming him using a gun and expecting me to value that just because he is saying something when I only committed a petty crime should be invalid. As this is very unrealistic and the reason I was banned because he thinks I’m lying and I knew he was pointing a gun at me. When in reality I would never think I was actually gun pointed and life threaten for stealing a car and running.

Provide your POV so I can see if you can see he pulled out a firearm

Demo name - perpheads_demo_2024-1-25 20-04-18

Demo guide to help you find your demo
Demo website you can use to upload or use whatever file sharing
Aquaa broke 2.1 rule and broke 3.3 law let me explain. First 2.1 rule states “ This game mode aims to emulate real life, and as such, players are expected to play realistically at all times”, in what way is it realistic as a cop to gun point and threaten my life just for stealing a car?
I was hoping that you were trolling and weren’t genuinely thinking a police officer would use a taser to deal with someone who had just stolen a vehicle and fled + Apollo 13’d into a building, so here’s some videos of officers dealing with a stolen car…

I was hoping that you were trolling and weren’t genuinely thinking a police officer would use a taser to deal with someone who had just stolen a vehicle and fled + Apollo 13’d into a building, so here’s some videos of officers dealing with a stolen car…

Why would I be trolling? I got banned for three weeks because of something that didn't effect anyone. Let's not forget you adding a week onto my ban for saying "all you do is ban". Which is a fact. Don't understand how you get hurt over that.

After reviewing your demo, we have come to the conclusion to deny your dispute.

First of all I’m committing a petty crime which I think is theft but I could be wrong. But I am sure I’m committing a petty crime to his knowledge. I did have a pistol on me but he never knew that until I surrendered. Aquaa broke 2.1 rule and broke 3.3 law let me explain.

Considering you just crowbarred a vehicle to steal it and then proceeded to jump into a vehicle to flee officers, I don't see why you would assume he would have a taser on you. A pistol is perfectly fine and is justifiable under the laws and Use of Force.

Law enforcement officers may use any amount of force in the execution of their duties provided that it is reasonable and justifiable”, key words reasonable and justifiable.

As I stated above, it is perfectly fine, I don't see why you wouldn't expect them to gunpoint someone who has just tried to steal a vehicle and jumped into another vehicle to flee from them. It is entirely reasonable and justifiable.

I never intentionally meant to break the rules. I never saw him point the gun at me because I was running the entire time. Tbh I didn’t think he had a gun out and was gun pointing me bc all I did was steal a car.

Although that's 'all' you did, he still had reason to gunpoint you and you should've made sure you weren't under gunpoint, I think it'd be clear if he said 'stop running or I will tase you' that'd be completely different, but he said he was going to shoot you yet you continued to run.

When in reality I would never think I was actually gun pointed and life threaten for stealing a car and running.

I am sure this would happen in real life lol especially in the USA

I would also recommend you not to crowbar vehicles whilst in the back of the vehicle, pretty unrealistic to me which would be also breaking 2.1 Play Realistically. If you disagree with Aquaa's actions and still think his use of force was unjustified, feel free to submit a staff complaint or an internal affairs complaint for such.

Reviewed with @steelo
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