Ban Dispute (aquaa)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Aquaa
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Jamal Stone
Your Roleplay Name: Jamal Stone
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:501758558

Why were you punished?: 3.4

Why should this appeal be considered?: 1 month prior to this I made a report about a guy breaking 3.4 and I was told in DMs that the reason it isn't 3.4 was because I didn't hold him at gunpoint the entire situation and because I looked away and in that brief amount of time I looked away he was allowed to pull out his gun and shoot me.

Here is a part of what mini told me when I reported a guy for 3.4: "there was no one aiming towards him so that's why he is allowed to pull his gun".

Using this logic that I got from @Mini since the guy was shouting put your hands up while shooting at my two friends and not gun pointing me, I didn't think I had to surrender and I was thinking about pulling my gun out and shooting him however, when he turned to look at me and had me under gunpoint and instructed me to put my hands up, I complied.

(If @Mini is wrong should I still be making a ban dispute as I was wrongly informed or would I make an apology saying I was wrongly informed by staff?)

Additional Information: Here is mini telling me in DMs that it isn't 3.4 if the gun isn't aimed at you: also surrendering would have lead to my death anyways since I was shot by the attacker and majorly injured and bleeding.
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“aimed towards you, doesn’t mean a headshot has to be lined up”

Two different situations, different environments and different amount of people involved.

You failed to follow commands and stalled despite having no cover or way of escaping.

I see absolutely no issue with this ban and the time is quite lenient given your record.

@torbizzle @Mini @Headline
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