Ban Dispute (Auston)

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Auston
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: bobo
Your Roleplay Name: edward
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:193447733

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User pulled their firearm out under gunpoint

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was approached by a gun point from a fair distance and the person wasn't giving any sort of commands towards me so i decided to pull out my firearm to be ready to defend myself which defines 3.6.

As i pulled the firearm i managed to keep myself alive by shooting the person who was pointing a gun at my direction.

After arguing with staff that no commands was given to me they told me that i had to "assume" it was a robbery which i thought its fucking stupid, but today i just witnessed a dispute being accepted for the same exact thing and i think my previous dispute was dealt very poorly, so i would like a second review of this situation by @Collier , the evidence will be at the sourceban with a video, i will also try to get it from youtube if i do find it again but pretty sure it can be found easily by staff from previous dispute or sourceban.

Additional Information: "3.4 is not just the gunpoint rule, it would more appropriately be described as the "risk" rule. Giving someone who is pointing a gun at you a reason to pull the trigger simply because no orders were uttered, does not comply with rule 3.4. This has little to do with this situation though, so it has no bearing here, but I felt it appropriate to make this distinction." @Collier
Do you have any clip of the situation? Is this the same ban as your previous ban dispute?
Do you have any clip of the situation? Is this the same ban as your previous ban dispute?

it is a reapply for a previous dispute that was denied for a reason that seem to be enforced differently now, and the video was uploaded by the opposite party who reported me and unfortunately i don't have the demo since its been over a few months and demo deleted itself, but i'm pretty sure you'd still have it through scambans
it is a reapply for a previous dispute that was denied for a reason that seem to be enforced differently now, and the video was uploaded by the opposite party who reported me and unfortunately i don't have the demo since its been over a few months and demo deleted itself, but i'm pretty sure you'd still have it through scambans

The video is not available anymore, so it would be hard to actually say if it was the same thing

We need evidence to see if it’s a similar situation.
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