Ban Dispute (Benj)

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Reaction score
Faroe Islands
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Benj
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: maeen
Your Roleplay Name: Saqib Asaad
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39651776

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.20: Acknowledged his car being stolen then immediately disconnected.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Yesterday I joined the server for maybe 10-45 minutes, just to grab my free spins, and see if any of my org friends were online, which they were not, so I headed to the bazaar and had a quick look around to see if anyone I knew was there, and no one was. So I put on a youtube video on my 2nd monitor and was watching that for a few minutes, meanwhile just walking around ok bazaar not paying good attention to anything, and after a few minutes, I figured I might as well just hop off the server and head to sleep since I had been traveling for 13-14 hours and was tired.

And apparently, that got me banned for 3.20 which is a rule I don't think I have ever broken before, and I am really surprised that I got banned as I wasn't even aware that my car was being stolen. If I had acknowledged my car being stolen, I wouldn't have disconnected as I would just let him steal it, if he could have done it successfully.
Evidence shows your car being crowbarred, you turned around to the guy crowbarring it and disconnected?
I was watching this video "
" not paying attention. I might have turned around when pressing the disconnect. As I mentioned, I was not paying attention, nor did I see or hear my car being crowbarred. I disconnected as I had been travelling since 6am in the morning, and I wanted to go to sleep, if I had noticed him crowbarring the car, I would of course have stayed on.

Be it as it was, you need to maintain awareness when you’re playing on the server. Even if you were watching a video, you were still at least visually aware of your surroundings. Under rule 2.7, you are required to be able to hear in-game sounds at all times. There’s a reason rules like this exist and if you were unaware as a result of a violation of this rule, that’s your own responsibility.

Regardless, the fact that you saw what was happening was indisputable and for you to disconnect was a blatant violation of the rules. Your punishment is proportionate to this.

Reviewed with @A1L
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