Ban Dispute (Bnjemann)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Bnjemann
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Jpcflashdash
Your Roleplay Name: Randy Franks
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:105306386

Why were you punished?: 2.1, 3.4, 3.15: Driving a vehicle on the wrong side of the highway at immense speed into oncoming traffic for no given or applicable reason. During this. Had an enormous crash that should have realistically killed him but didn’t and carried on driving like nothing had happened. // Accepted action request

Why should this appeal be considered?: George Cole only made this request Because I made an AI on him for shooting my stopped car. I had stole a car hence i was just doing the turns around so i did not go to jail. He only did this because i had made an AI report on him hence why after he got in trouble on the force he made this action request. I did not respond to the action request because i was Moving into my college dorm room all week. This player should be mad for making this report only after he got in trouble.

Additional Information: 933612-KNSVX-24 the IA I made on him about 1 week before this action was made by him (Ggamer) steam

Can you please clarify what it is about the ban that you feel is invalid, e.g., what rules you didn't break and why? Saying that it's invalid because the person was supposedly mad at you because you made an Internal Affairs complaint does not make the ban invalid.
3.4 we all know after you steal a car that it’s ok to drive away from the police. Not killing anyone tho and I did not kill anyone. I then got into a car accident on the right side of the road and when the car broke down that’s what it went to the other lane. I feel like I didn’t break any rules here. I feel only person that did break rules was George Cole. He knew my lack of knowledge of an action report was and hence I would get banned with it. I have really been trying my hardest to be a better player. But people like George Cole are dark soiled people. I am sorry if I did break any rules but from that clip it doesn’t look like I did because it was a stolen car only thing I saw was George Cole open fire and a stopped car
Hi there

I'm not directly involved but I helped Ggamers through the IA process with the info I was given by him, First of all I was the one that said too make an action request by suggestion of Senior mod, second the IA number should not be in this as its still a breach of policy and can put IA's in jeopardy see for context, Thirdly you where actively trying too evade even when he boxed you in you can see the tires going backwards indicating that you where breaking GP for a solid 10 ish seconds before getting out the car and complying, Directly breaking server rules, fourthly you where driving like an complete and utter dumbass which means that in this case someone would have authorised shooting your tires as you where a direct threat too life after seeing the clip if I was in that car with Ggamer I would have authorised the tires being shot out as looking at the clip you where driving like a lobotomised drift king with the IQ of a watermelon!

TLDR : You where driving recklessly you got caught and you got your ego drove down a peg because your in the wrong hence why your banned!
My tires where not moving I'm sorry you think my ego is hurt but because he's your friend and he's a shitty cop doesn't mean he should have made this action report i had stole the car hence the car was stopped the tires where not moving. You are also not involved in this so you have not context on what happened here and why i made the IA. He is in the wrong for shooting my stopped car. I hade stolen the car hence tried to run away. He only made this action report because of my lack of knowing how this shit works. I hade no idea action reports where a think.

PS. I am very happy your here fighting your buddies battles for him the car was off from the crash just because your a senior member doesn't mean your Jesus.
Well I can personally attest too George being a solid cop overall, and I have all the context from what happened as ggamer showed me the recordings the entire recording from start too end, So im in a position to tell you personally that in terms of this ban, it was 100% justified, Afterall you just came off a ban for shooting me for no reason!
PS. I am very happy your here fighting your buddies battles for him the car was off from the crash just because your a senior member doesn't mean your Jesus.
Na just observing and helping people where i can :)
Well I can personally attest too George being a solid cop overall, and I have all the context from what happened as ggamer showed me the recordings the entire recording from start too end, So im in a position to tell you personally that in terms of this ban, it was 100% justified, Afterall you just came off a ban for shooting me for no reason!

Na just observing and helping people where i can :)
I dont even know who tf your are god i guess you just hate me too :)
I will lock this till acer looks into it as went from giving more information and another side to arguing

The collisions that you caused - under normal circumstances - would have likely tiered the car and caused great damage. The collisions were also very much avoidable had you of driven with a little more care and attention, which is always possible even when the vehicle is stolen. Additionally on two occasions you do make the conscious choice to attempt to go on the wrong side of the highway, firstly when you dodge the fire engine (you can actually see you turning to get back on the wrong side but decide to go back on the wrong side of the highway) and then you attempt again near intersection, hence you going straight into the lamp post.

In light of the above it is abundantly clear that you had a wanton and incessant disregard for not only your own safety but also the health of the vehicle - making no clear attempts to mitigate further undue risks to your safety or to damage of the vehicle - and were willing to drive as recklessly as possible to avoid apprehension, which is not the balance that is called for by either 3.4 or 3.15. To any objective bystander, it seems highly likely that you were trying to intentionally tier the car. As such both the 3.4 and 3.15 portion of your ban is valid.

Almost no-one would be able to sufficiently recover enough to be able to drive away again at speed in suitable control of a vehicle, firstly after your head-on collision with the roadcrew truck when your car ends up on the hood of the truck (this can be seen with the clip slowed down) and secondly when you go Mach 2 into the lamp post and go 90 degrees vertical, slamming back down onto the ground. As such the 2.1 portion of your ban is valid.

Reviewed with @Collier
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