Ban Dispute (Collier)


Communication Banned
Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Collier
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Spooda
Your Roleplay Name: Gerg Grigori
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80508688

Why were you punished?: I was banned because apparently someone mugged someone then kidnapped then they also dropped a bomb on them.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Well I didn't actually do anything knowingly, as I never knew he had been mugged and I also had no idea that someone else was going to kill him...This is really unfair and is just an excuse to ban me.

Also the comment on dodging my OOC ban is silly and a bias attempt to fortify this ban as in help chat I was simply offering help and correcting false claims that all the staff team are pedos, yes this may have stringed out into a conversation which I was expressing how I wanted to become a helper for the community however I did not want to be rude to player in question and ignore him. As far as I'm concerned this was all apart of the same conversation which started by me offering help to the player in question.

As a long time member of the community (6yr+) I take perpheads seriously and I was only coming onto the server as it had peaked my interest as I had seen some of the other older players online again, I am a bit disappointed with how I am being treated as a long standing member of the community
A dispute must contain sufficient evidence such as a video of the situation or a demo with the relevant tick provided.

The reason why your ban is permanent was that you used help chat to overcome your OOC ban, saying disrespectful and slanderous comments in the process.

For example:

1) "[Help] Wagi as a message of help only one of the mods is a pedo"
2) "[Help] Yeh but I played when community managers were hackers "

These following comments were what led to a severe punishment as you were being toxic and causing problems in OOC for no reason (probably explains why you have a communication ban due to your previous toxic actions).

Would you like to explain why you were bypassing your OOC ban?
On the first comment i was referring to a community incident that happened around 4-5 years ago with a member of the staff team to wagi who is also a long standing community member

On the second comment I was referring to Tyla Jai and how he hacked and is now a community manager and reformed. (As indicated by the present tense by 'were')

Well I didn't actually do anything knowingly

After reviewing the player demo, it's clear that you played a major part in kidnapping the player and assisted in killing the player. You are claiming that you "didn't actually do anything knowingly" which is just a complete lie and couldn't be further away from the truth

Also the comment on dodging my OOC ban is silly and a bias attempt to fortify this ban as in help chat I was simply offering help and correcting false claims

After reviewing the logs, it was clear that not only were you bypassing your OOC communication ban, but you also kept on encouraging a very slanderous and distasteful conversation in OOC with your friend Wagi.

Everything in your ban reason is correct and there is nothing to dispute as you have broken all those rules. You are acting very problematic to the community and I suggest you take this time to look over your actions and make an apology after a significant amount of time has passed.

Reviewed with @flugs @Scrabuz @Oddy