Ban Dispute (CONSOLE)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: CONSOLE
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: KaNN †
Your Roleplay Name: No Idea
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:13682039

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Attempted cheating detected

Why should this appeal be considered?: Honestly, I'm rather confused.

Back in 2014, I was banned for supposedly "attempted cheating" automatically by the servers anti-cheat. I made an appeal, and the ban ended up removed many many years ago. I haven't played for a long time, but when I came back to try and play again today, the ban had returned? I still maintain that I never attempted to cheat on the server, and I'm rather confused as to why the ban came back, when it had been removed in the past.

EDIT: I know for certain that I was unbanned, because I just checked my email, and I paid for premium at least once in 2015, and also once or twice in 2014 after the ban.
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Do you have a link to your old appeal/dispute? Your ban was instated by console on the 20th December 2014
Unfortunately not. I tried to browse through the forum, but most things seem to be gone. My private messages have also all disappeared.
No, your ban was never removed. You ban evaded and bragged about it on the forums. You even argued with @StephenPuffs in the shoutbox who you were mocking and made fun of cus ”his anti-cheat sucked” when all you did was change the playermodel.
Love how you assume a bunch of things.

And yeah, I did ban evade. I told either fredy or bolli about that back then too. Can't remember which(It's been a looong time). It was also one of them who removed the ban back then.

Why do you just assume that my ban was never removed when you don't know? I really don't understand that.
I can also see that I paid for premium for this account on 13th may 2015. So obviously the ban was removed, as I was playing on that day.
Just logged in on and was able to see my accounts warnings.

Last one received was on May 13th, 2015, well after my permanent ban for supposed "attempted cheating". So obviously I was unbanned at some point. The admins can check this and verify for themselves. I'm sure you can also check my user account in the database, and see the last time that I was connected to the server.

At the end of the day, all I wanted was to experience some nostalgia and hop on the server to check out my account, cars, the map, and the state of the game. Because of that, it's not too big a deal if I'm not unbanned, I'm just confused is all.

And yeah, I'll maintain to the day I die, that I never cheated on your server on that account, because I really didn't.
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The two appeals you made in 2014 were both denied, you were never unbanned.


Turns out I got the memory of a fucking god.

You're a dirty little cheater, you're the guy who bragged about your Ford GT and then decided to cheat after you got raided; got caught and banned. I'm glad you're gone to be honest because the way you slagged @StephenPuffs off in the shoutbox for "his" anti-cheat was rather nasty. You then decided to join back on an alt account and changed the playermodels to look like this 1619526512083.png, you then got told to go and cheat as much as you'd like and after that you got banned permanently on that account for evading your ban and trying to cheat. Proper embarrassing!!!!!!!!!!!
@John Daymon
Thats not even why I got banned on my alt. I got banned for aimbotting after raiding some admins over and over lmao. Not because of the playermodel thing(Though that also happened, sure). I've never denied any of this, and I am almost 99% certain that my alt was never linked to my main. I certainly didn't get banned for ban evading.

@Tyla Jai
How do you explain how I received a warning ingame while being banned then? You're a community manager, I'm sure you can check out my warnings yourself. If you do, you'll see that I must've been unbanned at some point.

It's fair if the decision is to keep me banned. After all, I did cheat on my alt. Though I will defend myself with the fact that it only happened after two of my appeals were denied, despite the fact that I had never ever cheated on your server at that point. Understandably, I was rightfully pissed, and there's no point for me to lie about this 7 years later. Obviously I'm not here to return as a player after so many years, I'm sure most of those who were around back then, are all in different stages of your life. However, I did want to check out the server again, out of nostalgia. I would still really like to do that, so I hope that this can be resolved.

And at the end of the day, I remain confused. Fair if you keep the ban, but why did it return after being removed? For some reason, you two seem vehemently set on ignoring what I'm saying.
I'm going to go ahead and close this. There is no actual evidence provided.

I'll ask Bolli if he knows anything regarding the situation. In the meanwhile I suggest that you make an apology, might be a better approach. Should you find any additional evidence you can send it to me in a PM.
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