Ban Dispute (console)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: console
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Big Smoke
Your Roleplay Name: Jason Salvini
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:521809167

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: umm alting? its my main account though

Why should this appeal be considered?: (andrew tate is the alt account) (big smoke is the main account) so if you see my previous threads i had tried to alt before (i am extremely sorry about this) and my main account got rebanned for apparently alting on one of my other accounts (the name of the account is andrew tate yes i tried to alt with the andrew tate account) my main account big smoke is now permanantely banned. STEAM_0:1:599049920 this is the andrew tate account. my steam id is up there. this is proven because in page 7 of you can see andrew tate is banned there and on page 8 of you cann see that big smoke (me) is banned for 2 weeks and it says unbanned. but before the unban i tried to alt ( once again am extremely sorry) which means big smoke is my main account and andrew tate is my alt account. as andrew tate (alt) was banned after big smoke(main) was banned. which means i got rebanned because it thought i was an alt account of the andrew tate account. i was really happy to see that i was unbanned then unhappy once it said i was banned again. pls help and i apperciate the help

Additional Information: i wish anyone that reads this to have a good day the person that orginally banned me was @SamSN for 2 weeks. if your asking why andrew tate i honestly have no idea why i picked that name. i logged in and it was just my name. i hate andrew and i wouldve changed the name but i was in a rush. I’m pinging these 2 ppl cuz apparently there the only ones that can help with this. I’m sorry if I’m not allowed to and I’m sorry if I’m disturbing something your doing. @Dank @TinySlayer
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