Ban Dispute (console)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: console
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: wysitzcait
Your Roleplay Name: amber dings
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:741565177

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: apparently my brother is using my account

Why should this appeal be considered?: because we are NOT alting on accounts we have complete different accounts and complete different pc's and id not be allowing for him to be on my pc at all and what he done was on his behalf not mine and i just wanna play some perp but with him being banned i wont be getting unbanned any time soon due to bankit king being on a permanent ban

Additional Information: so ive had this problem every time when my brother or i get a ban we both end up on a ban but i always get the permanent ban by console for a alt account but i have my own pc and he owns his own pc i wouldnt be allowing for my brother to be go on my pc at all on the game as its against the rules and with my brother having a permanent ban i wont be getting un banned untill he does but he is on a perm ban and wont be getting it uplifted anytime so that leaves me in a situation were i cant play on perp anymore it will always come back saying were alting of accounts for bandit king but thats due to us using the same router and we run on ethernet cables so it comes back with the same ip address and automatically thinks were alting but id never be allowing for my brother to be on my pc at all we have our own pc's and our own accounts can u pleas maybe look into this as with bandit king being on a permanent ban i wont be able to play on perp due to his actions what he did but i had nothing to do with it to be involved with what he done and im just wanting to play on perp again if any chance or any proof that is required i can happily provide that for yous but id really appricate for this to be looked at
thank you soo much i will appricate this alot if possible and hopefully that this doesnt effect me from play as i like to play the game and what happened was due to bandit kings actions and i wasnt apart of his actions
I will discuss with Fredy how we will deal with this
any chance that u have discussed this with fredy by now or not just curious as id really love to be playing this game and dont wanna be banned for good as bandit king is banned for good for at a good year or someting and i really wanna be back in on the role play of the game and like i says had nothing to do with me on badits consequences and im sorry for what happen but this shouldnt be effecting me due to the ip address and fr just wanna be back online on perp missing playing it alot but with his consequences i also got a perm ban and its pretty unfortunate for me as i do like to play the game alot and would appreciate it if you could have the convo with fredy as i dont wanna be banned perm as bandit is on a long term ban pls get back to me about this as soon as possible :) i would very happy if you caould let me know whats happening as i do like to play this game also like i say i can easily prove that we have complete separate account as we both own gmod but with us using eather net cables we will always come back as the same ip address but like i say id not be allowing him to be going on my account on this game as i said its against the rusle's pls get back to be with a response as id really like to be playing again :)
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