Ban Dispute (d)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: d
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: erikssp
Your Roleplay Name: Walter Doeg
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:568156098

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.20 - User disconnected while unconscious immediately after killing a police officer

Why should this appeal be considered?: -Players should also wait at least 10 minutes prior to leaving the server after committing a crime; this does not apply if the crime has been resolved (player has been arrested / caught for this crime).

I got caught. After that a police officer killed me, I waited until my screen turned from a unconscious red to a full black.
I am yet to understand why i got punished.
Please look into this and help me out. :)
Okay it seems like i was wrong. My bad. I truly think that exact situation i shouldn't have been a ban for 2 weeks. Everything seemed resolved.

If you have an issue with the duration of the ban, please make a staff complaint on doge. You can not dispute lengths, only the reasoning.
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