Ban Dispute (d)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @d
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: ScatPac2023
Your Roleplay Name: Anthony Colombo
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:710270797

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.1, 1.2 - User completely failed to conduct themselves in a respecful manner, also displayed xenophobic behavior

Why should this appeal be considered?: Well I believe that this ban should be appealed and expunged from my record if possible because I believe the ban is unjustified but that is what I think but if others think otherwise I would like to appeal my ban because I understand that my actions today should of never occurred and I should of kept my mouth shut and take my sentence. I do apologize or what I did I just thought that I was in the right and they were in the wrong but turns out they were in the right I was in the wrong. If I get un banned I can assure punishments for the next 4 and a half months+. And you can take my word for it and I dont agree to something and not do it, So please everyone needs a second chance. Thats all people need because sometimes a second chance can change people. I also believe I should be unbanned because I think that this banned us unjustified and also the proof is very little and the admins must of miss understood what I was saying and probably thought that I was meaning it out of rp.
You need some evidence since this is a dispute, I will ask dog about this though in the meantime.
Okay, Well my files were corrupt due to my GMOD closing becuase I was banned so the file did not process correctly is there proof that I really did what they are saying I did.
I believe the ban is unjustified

Why do you think it is unjustified? Do you think the ban is valid or invalid or do you think the punishment given is unfair?

I understand that my actions today should of never occurred and I should of kept my mouth shut and take my sentence.

Yeah you probably should've, I've seen a video of the situation where it seems like you were pretty much displaying xenophobic behaviour, and then you telling people to kill themselves when the situation was kind of being brought OOCly, it seems like a staff member also told you not be xenophobic but you continued.

I also believe I should be unbanned because I think that this banned us unjustified and also the proof is very little and the admins must of miss understood what I was saying and probably thought that I was meaning it out of rp.

I mean I can quite clearly see why it can be seen that you are taking it out of role-play, you were trying to be xenophobic and you were told to stop but pretty much continued, and then obviously the situation was being brought OOCly when the staff members arresting you, you were threatening to report the officer for arresting you, so you were pretty much bringing this OOC via voice chat which is not allowed, probably why they thought you were meaning it out of character, which probably is the case.
Yes, I think that they thought I was talking out of character and now thinking about it if I was staff I would think the same thing. I did not even know what xenophobic meant I had to look it up and It might sound like I was trying to be xenophobic but please trust me that I was not.
Why do you think it is unjustified? Do you think the ban is valid or invalid or do you think the punishment given is unfair?

Yeah you probably should've, I've seen a video of the situation where it seems like you were pretty much displaying xenophobic behaviour, and then you telling people to kill themselves when the situation was kind of being brought OOCly, it seems like a staff member also told you not be xenophobic but you continued.

I mean I can quite clearly see why it can be seen that you are taking it out of role-play, you were trying to be xenophobic and you were told to stop but pretty much continued, and then obviously the situation was being brought OOCly when the staff members arresting you, you were threatening to report the officer for arresting you, so you were pretty much bringing this OOC via voice chat which is not allowed, probably why they thought you were meaning it out of character, which probably is the case.
Also, I was yelling so much that I did not hear the staff I believe because I do not remember the staff telling me that.

Regardless, this would still be considered against the rules, as I do also beleive this was OOC, make an apology once you've served a bit of your ban.
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