Ban Dispute (@dank)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Dank
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: VREDFEDE
Your Roleplay Name: andrew bandi
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:520773768

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 5.6 - Mugging multiple new players Then kidnapped one to mug them

Why should this appeal be considered?: @Dank ok dank this is a long appeal so I hope you will read all of it if you want to deny it is ok but at least tell me if my arguments are wrong, please.
Firstly even tho is a dispute i still want to apologize to the new players that got mugged that day i will admit that i mugged a lot of them. i dont think i should have been banned for 2.5 because i did not target new players, i just camped dd and guess faith wanted 3-4 new players going there, you said that my friend was attracting them in which is false my friend was on ts and just watching who was entering in subway. We never targeted them it could have been anybody entering there, i would have been ok with the ban if lets say i would have made the new players enter the subway or drove them to it but all i did was wait in the bathroom, i know it was still shity but please understand that i dont want to target new people because i was like them and i get how hard it is but at the same time i could not just let them go and then risk getting caught my cops, and if this helps i got multiple new players in my org because i feel bad for them and i wanted to help them i also helped 2 new players the same day that i got banned at forest, i could have mugged them but i gave them money and burgers. your argument when i told you that i was not targeting is that i should help new players and take people of my own caliber which i agree to a limit, the argument with the caliber does not work here because when it comes to mugging i don't care who it is in front if me it could be a new player or a 20 weeks play time player i would still mug you because you need to respect gp i promise you that i would have still mugged anyone that came in subway and lets be honest you dont really benefit from new players because they don't really have money so it would be a disadvantage to mug them. i understand when it comes to raiding because new players are easier to kill but when is about mugging the player does not matter.
Anyway now about 5.6..... i will be sincere and say that i kinda deserve it, i got a warning from you to stop mugging new players and after an hour a new player shoot at my car randomly and then i decided to drive him to suburbs where i tried to mug him but then he broke gp and I killed him. That was very shity of me and childish but you got to understand i was very pissed that he just shoot at me randomly even tho you are a new player you still have to know some basic rules like rdmeing and nlr.
Another mistake was me being salty in OOC witch i had the right to but still shouldn't have done it, i was mad because i found you a bit of a hypocrite, because your solution to me and my friend's mugging was not making an f6 or telling us what we did wrong, you entered in a shoot out breaking 3,4 just to kill me. @Dank I got no problem with you i kinda respect you because i find it hard to become your rank or any rank on perp but please understand that i felt very unrespected and injustice, look at @rogue when we talked on discord he called me a friend and he was very calm and understanding you yelled at me called my org shit and laughed in my face about my record and did not even listen to me , what i found very ironic was that after you killed me i went back to dd with my friends (after nlr) and you made a new player throw a Molotov at us for no reason then run away, so you basically used a new player that did not even know what he was doing against us, what's the difference between you and us? You made a new player break rules just because you were very mad when you could have easily just told us to leave.
Again @Dank i got no beef with you i am not mad about your decision i honestly barely have time to play perp anymore, all i want from you is to understand me and realize that i did not want to be the bad person i am very sorry about what happened and i want to ask for a ban for only 5.6 considering i already served 1 week from the 1 month ban. (also sorry for grammar mistakes english is my second language and i am only 13).

Additional Information: i don't hate new players and i don't target them i actually helped a lot and promise when i come back i will try to help every new player that i see also thanks @Dank if you read all of this

All I see here are excuses.

2.5 Excessive Negativity​

  • Intentionally mug and target new players.

It's not hard to identify a sweater by the big tag above their head and just let them sell their drugs in peace without fear of being mugged by a menace in a tent camping the drug dealer...

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