Ban Dispute (Dave)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Dave
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: oldpepito
Your Roleplay Name: Wacha Gatito
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:592291043

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 2.2, 3.24

Why should this appeal be considered?: I Just got off 1 week ban for same thing .. didnt know that in the server you cannot talk normally and joke with people
this mod banned me for 3 months which is insane thing by itself.
i was wrong for speaking my language and "cursing " the guy which cursed too even worst , im kind of new player with 4 day totdall playtime , i would know not to say it next time .
i didnt say anything that was even worth a week ban but as i said didnt know i cannot joke around .
admin "Dave" also blamed me and a friend for speaking in discord when we were clearly on the perp teamspeak . and
told some stuff that didnt make sence , i didnt lie about anything in the admin meating and admin was on other guy side when
there is evadance for the same thing i did other guy as well did,
would appreciate the check of the appeal and the justice make. cheers

Additional Information:

Are you disputing this ban on the basis of feeling that it's invalid as a whole or the length of the ban?

Are you disputing this ban on the basis of feeling that it's invalid as a whole or the length of the ban?
I should be unbanned , this mod "dave" for my thought gone complety wrong here and went for the other guy's side
if i would have been warned for the " curse " if you can call that a curse
other guy cursed me and my friend in english 2 days ago if i would have known ide be reporting him , i should efan the clip
Why were you going around insulting them in a different language, did they do anything to you to react that way?
Why were you going around insulting them in a different language, did they do anything to you to react that way?
Im A new player and isreali as well maybe they mad at me?
im not trying to insult nobody just trying to have a good time they coming at me in groups iguess
well ..
for every insult i should make an f6 i guess ?same guy said to me offensive things as you can see too so ? should i be sad about it ? make a
report for every word joke or even insult ?

An important thing to note:

We generally, do not ban people when it comes to insulting, however, since this was directed in an OOC manner action was taken.
In-Character gameplay is not subject to the Basic Conduct Rules, with the exception of any rules explicitly stated to apply during In-Character gameplay.

The issue here is that you were targetting players who came from a certain race, you decided to go up to them completely unprovoked insulting them.

It's clear from the evidence provided that you did this only to a certain group.

Before being banned on the 16th, you were told to stop however, you did not and still continued to do so and received a ban for this. You were also told by an Administrator to not continue with this behavior.

As for the length of the ban, this would have to be dealt with through a staff complaint.

Reviewed with @Acerius @Bnje @curak @sidd @Sindarin @Oddy
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