Ban Dispute (Double JJ)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Double JJ
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: dots
Your Roleplay Name: Endera Ondera
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:61303150

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.4, 2.5 - The user ran over another user for the reason he 'Threatened him' and was 'rude'. The user had just connected to the server so this was not possible. During the report, Dots lied to me. The complainant provided evidence that showed he did not threaten him nor have any interactions with him since joining.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I think there is a big misunderstanding. I think I ran over the wrong guy by accident, thinking it was the guy who was threatening me. I just saw him running the same way as the guy who threatened me and I went to run him over. Sure, some might argue that it's a bit excessive killing someone over a threat, but I thought it was great roleplay to be in a panicked state as I was roleplaying as, ending up killing the guy threatening me and creating a form of story out of it. Also, now that me and the admin misunderstood eachother, I think the length of the ban is very harsh, especially now when I have explained my side of the story.

Can you elaborate, the initial time apparently you said it was because you were called a cunt by the person, then he threatened you, and now you are saying this is the wrong guy after reviewing the clip? What is the story here?
I was called cunt and threatened by another person, I drive around the corner and see a guy crossing. I immediately think it was the guy threatening me from before, but it wasn't. Ended up being the player that I killed who had nothing to do with the situation.
Question, why didn't you inform me of "It was the wrong person" during the report?
Because I didn't know back then. As I stated to you earlier during our conversation, I had to leave because of me needing to do something IRL. But I luckily had time to look into the situation with more detail.
Have you attempted to ensure the person you killed is the right one in any way?
Yeah, i'm sadly very certain that I hit the wrong target. After thinking about the situation and piecing everything that happened together, I realised the guy that I hit looked completely different compared to the guy who threatened me.


We're going to be removing the 1.4 part from the ban and give you the benefit of the doubt. However, since you failed to ensure that the person you have killed is the right one in any way, you'll be given a warning instead of a ban for 2.5. In the future, make sure the person you're killing is the right one first. Also, when responding to tickets made by staff, provide all the information and details that you can at once.
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