Ban Dispute (Draxenシ)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Draxenシ
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: ALOO89
Your Roleplay Name: Leonard Bushross
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169228602

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4, 3.16 - User was wanted for bank robbery and murder. Sat down AFK at Roxies Dinner, police arrived on scene and tried to apprehend the suspect. The police gunpoint and performed/me to get the user out of the seat. A few seconds later the user gets out of the seat and tries to kill the officer, but ends up getting himself killed.

Why should this appeal be considered?: i was warrant for murder/bank raid anyway after doing the bank raid we went to cloth shop and change our cloth and drive around the city later i had to go afk so i told my friends to drop me at roxie as they where going to raid and i hade to go afk for really important thing

about 3.16 (3zie/odde)( 2 stuff members ) was on car and told them i need to afk ( i really have to go afk for something really important )

about 3.4 where do you want me to go and afk if as i know the casino is not allowed to hide in it and on bazzar i got shop and its more public place also ( and the cops will keep checking it every 5 mins ) and if i stay on the car they will take me to raid where its more 3.4 so im not really sure where should i go

i went afk on roxie after changing my cloth to sweater (where most people where that cloth) and went afk later i walk on my room and see tfu standing front of me holding gun so i stand up and pull my gun out and start shooting ( on the reason why i got ban he said (A few seconds later the user gets out of the seat and tries to kill the officer, but ends up getting himself killed )) but it was almost 1 min

at the end i want to say i really had to go AFK

Additional Information:
I made the report: the only reason that I made the report in the first place was so an admin could eject you from the seat and that's it. I could not care less about any punishment being issued as I understand IRL always comes first. It had already been like 15-20 minutes from the bank robbery at the time, the main issue was probably you sitting down and going AFK in a public area where you could not be arrested.

Btw you were asking about your clothing in OOC, so here is an image of the police computer at the time to clear up any misconceptions.

If you come back to your computer after being AFK, you should probably at least find out what has happened in the time you were aware before taking any actions as it has lead to you technically breaking 3.4 as you were gunpointed up from your seat, and it seems relevant /me commands were used to try and get you up. In future, if you need to go AFK after committing a crime, go somewhere where you can be handcuffed and taken by police to prevent stuff like this happening (also an idea to go into a hidden area). The ban is valid as it is your responsibility to verify what happens when you go AFK, not the other players. I would suggest making an apology instead.
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