Ban Dispute (Ellie)

Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Jake Rizer
Your Roleplay Name: Jake Rizer
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:147667689

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.5 3.7 3.8 3.20

Why should this appeal be considered?: Okay so I died At BUISNESS 6 defending my friends base"Frank Montana". After death I Returned To BAZZAR 9 to avoid NRL. Then I Thought I Was Rdmed So I Raged And Alt +f4. Apparently Ellie Killed me for being to close but i was far enough away i started healing and messages stopped. Also In The Ban Ellie Said I Built A Maze. Check The Props or Ask Frank Montana LummoBite On Steam He Built The Base in such Way And I Cant Remove His props. Either Way I Was Crafting For Ab 2 hours at my BAZZAR shop. I did Alt +f4 witch i will take the punishment for but the rest is rather Unjust. Not Blaming Ellie If I Diddnt alt+f4 none of this would have been a problem.

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Is this in a different video?
the messages stopped after i left the parking lot. *edit i just rewatched the video and the messages on the right stopped when i left the parking lot witch means if they diddnt slay me i would have started healing
also i wanna reiterate I REALLLLLY was not tryna cause any trouble we already lost the raid wasnt tryna figure out who did it i just went to a place away from where the action was and i chilled out. and the only reason i left is because i thought i was rdmed it was like 5am.
Logs show you building in Business Shop 6.
Please provide some form of evidence that shows, and proves you did not violate rule 3.7 and/or 3.8. (Maze defense, as described in your ban reasoning)
so someone in discord id the math on the nlr zone radius"22 meters or 1200Hammer units". being i was in bazzar 9 and i died in the Buisness 6 shop i had ran out of my of my zone
so someone in discord id the math on the nlr zone radius"22 meters or 1200Hammer units". being i was in bazzar 9 and i died in the Buisness 6 shop i had ran out of my of my zone
yea that was me in the medal clip if your screen stays bloody then it means you're in your nlr zone. and a few seconds into your nlr zone it will ask you to please move away from your nlr zone
Hello i was involved in the raid and i want to say this guy is lying. He broke nlr ,after we raided him he came bsck and shoot at me, also when this happened i was with ellie on discord talking about this. He brooke nlr 2 times also kinda brooke 3.4 ( i had him gp and he took a gun out of storage). The only evidence i have is 2 pictures ( i am at my grandparents and i dont have my pc where i have the clips) but i can assure you he is lying and did nothing wrong and just enforced the rules. Also your aegument with you not being at business and in your own baazar is invalid, you were still in nlr zone you had more then enough time to leave. I am going to make a refund request on my m4 that i lost when i come back home on monday and also provide full evidence of you blatantly breaking nlr
so someone in discord id the math on the nlr zone radius"22 meters or 1200Hammer units". being i was in bazzar 9 and i died in the Buisness 6 shop i had ran out of my of my zone
  • Helpfully there is a message on your HUD to inform you if you are still within the zone. As you can see from the video, it is active when you die.
  • There is nothing on your screen to indicate that you were healing.
  • There are only ever 5 warnings given, them stopping has nothing to do with you leaving the area.
The zone is just there as an indicator for the rule. It is possible to be outside of the zone and still breaking the rule. Perhaps you need to give it another read.

I can see that most of the props were not owned by another player, so I will edit the ban to take that into account. However you should have told them to correct the props or contact a staff member.