Ban Dispute (ellie)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
[Evidence] /
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Days

Your Steam Name: Nas7
Your Roleplay Name: Sergej Vogel
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:101943008

Why were you punished?: 3.4, 3.22, 4.1, 4.6

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was only following demands and trying to protect the mayor, you also stated that i was driving on the wrong side of the road which is kinda untrue, i was being rammed and everything and out of nowhere some car blocked the road out of nowhere so i accidentally crashed into it, there was no stopping because me and the mayor were actively being shot at. Iam sorry for not valueing my life, it was wrong of me but normally people that are trained like a ss dont react to gunpoints but i guess that is not how it works here, i was just following my commands!

Additional Information: Hi, i was doing my job as a secret service when i suddenly got a phone call from a citizen threatening to kill the mayor, so i evacuated him immediately, i used my car to drive away without emergency lights so its harder to tell that its the mayors car to avoid people chasing us. When i arrived at the subs a cop car started pulling me over, i pulled over activated my emergency lights and told the officers that the mayor is in danger and that we need to leave. They started chasing us so i stopped a 2nd time, this time he forced me out of the car. Because he tried cuffing me and was putting the mayor into a dangerous position so i took off with the mayor and they started blasting us, so i reversed to the cop and he still didnt stop to shoot me so i took off, the mayor was demanding that i bring him to safety so i followed my commands like i should.
You were driving on the wrong side of the road at Business Street and crashed into someone then in your own video shows you doing illegal u-turns on the highway, are you sure that was not you? You have no audio in your dispute evidence, you are actively seen in your own video trying to be cuffed by police and instead getting into your vehicle and evading? Have you read the rules by chance?
You were driving on the wrong side of the road at Business Street and crashed into someone then in your own video shows you doing illegal u-turns on the highway, are you sure that was not you? You have no audio in your dispute evidence, you are actively seen in your own video trying to be cuffed by police and instead getting into your vehicle and evading? Have you read the rules by chance?
Hey, i‘m sorry about the sound, my recording tool hasn‘t been picking sounds up since today 3pm for some reason, the mayor demanded that i ensure his safety, which i tried to do, i thought that the mayor is above angry police officers that nearly killed him, they shot directly at the mayor and me. i have read the rules but everyone interprets them differently. i do not follow the traffic laws when under attack, on the highway a person drifted into me, i never was completely on the wrong side,
Hey, i‘m sorry about the sound, my recording tool hasn‘t been picking sounds up since today 3pm for some reason, the mayor demanded that i ensure his safety, which i tried to do, i thought that the mayor is above angry police officers that nearly killed him, they shot directly at the mayor and me. i have read the rules but everyone interprets them differently. i do not follow the traffic laws when under attack, on the highway a person drifted into me, i never was completely on the wrong side,

In your evidence, despite the sound I assume you were being told to get out of the vehicle, which under gunpoint you must, you can't just not comply (Rule 3.4), you can not evade police and break the law as a government employee (Rule 4.1), you must also not be doing illegal u-turns on the highway (Rule 3.22). You also were on the wrong side of the road although the car did drift into you, this doesn't really matter as you were on the wrong side regardless.


It is a little hard to tell of what you claim of shots being fired, etc however these are the rules that I have identified in your video without sound
only about 50% was on the wrong side, i was trying to evade this guy and not crash into him which obviously hasnt worked out, the gunpoint part yeah iam sorry, i thought that the gunpoint thing is only ment for citizens. I was following the mayors demands and ony tried to do my job. What happened on the highway is something i cant do much about because most of the road was blocked off. I was not on the wrong side of the highway for longer than 4 seconds give me a break, i was running away from a clear threat.

It is literally never legal to evade Police. Secret Service Agents must follow the law at all times. If the Mayor's orders conflict with the law, you must choose the side of the law over the Mayor, which should be evident to anybody who passed the SS job exam, because that is exactly what it has you do in said exam. The fact that you can sit here with a straight face trying to claim that blatantly not following orders at gunpoint, and starting a pursuit with the Police is somehow not in conflict with the rules proves that you fundamentally misunderstand how to play as a Secret Service Agent.

You are quite lucky that your ban for this was merely 4 days. That being said, I will not be modifying your ban length, but I will be extending your Secret Service blacklist to better reflect your flawed understanding of the rules surrounding government employees and SS Agents.

You may want to actually read the rules you were banned for before disputing the validity of your ban.
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